Historic Brawl - Torens and the Dawn Brigade

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (79 distinct)
Creature (39)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (40)

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Hey Ya'll BPRadiant here with another deck! Today we are playing Torens, Fist of Angels in an Innistrad themed deck. Basically we are trying to show some of the cooler win conditions in color from Innistrad past and present to show the resiliance of the humans on the plane and why they haven't been consumed by the horrors of Innistrad yet. 

You can export the deck above and I've also attached a video of me playing the list as well. If you like the deck I would appreciate you checking it out. It shows off several of the win cons in a really sick win streak for the deck. 

A few really notable inclusions to the deck off the bat will be that we have a slew of legendary creatures from the sets with of course Thalia, Guardian of Thrabenimage and Mikaeus, the Lunarchimage making an appearance but also we have Adeline, Resplendent Catharimage and Saryth, the Viper's Fang]] making an appearance. Mikaeus is great since we are going to be going wide he'll generally provide a lot of value over a few turns. Thalia can slow our opponents answers and is well costed. Saryth lets our small creatures gain deathtouch and lets them potentially punch through bigger targets and protects our untapped utility creatures. Adeline can add to the pressure we are building with both extra bodies and also being a threat with huge power. Katilda, Dawnhart Primeimage can allow us to generate tons of mana and can unlock board stalls by continuously growing our creatures. We did however leave out Sigarda since she was captured and we're trying to show that Innistrad's angels are cool but not needed here. 

Innistrad actually has a lot going for this color pair even without running human tribal. Since out goal is to generate about 2 to 6 creatures a turn after Torens is out we want to gain value from this. We do so in a lot of ways. Card draw with Guardian Project, Toski, Welcoming Vampire, Mentor of the Meek, and Glorious Sunriseimage. We can go wide and threatening with cards like Craterhoof, Unnatural Growthimage, Glorious Sunrise, Cathar's Crusade, Felidar Retreat, Champion of Lambholt, and Rhys the Redeemed. We also include both a few token synergies and counter synergies since we do both with our commander. Hardened scales allows a trained unit to grow another above them and train them in turn and all for 1 mana. Abzan Falconer and Sigarda's Summons can let us go to the skies with our units granting evasion. Conclave Mentor also acts like our creature version of Hardened Scales. As for tokens we have doubling effects from both Anointed Procession and Parallel Lives to really take advantage of the quantity. We also have Divine Visitation to increase the quality of our tokens. Intangible Virtue can also let our creatures train while still being able to block putting them on double duty. 

All of our other creatures are trying to pull double duty by being easy to cast and having utility of some sort whether that is protecting the board or targeting the graveyard. 

Anyways a bit of a shorter writeup this week I'm afraid. I'm really excited to see everyone's reactions to the deck as I am personally very excited about it. 

As Always! Be Radiant!


P.S. For those in the know here is the secondary less themed probably a bit more powerful list. 

1 Torens, Fist of the Angels (VOW) 249

1 Hopeful Initiate (VOW) 20
6 Forest (VOW) 402
1 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (VOW) 38
1 Overgrown Farmland (MID) 265
1 Branchloft Pathway (ZNR) 258
1 Skyclave Apparition (ZNR) 39
1 Wedding Announcement (VOW) 45
1 Welcoming Vampire (VOW) 46
1 By Invitation Only (VOW) 5
1 Teferi's Protection (STA) 11
1 Reclusive Taxidermist (VOW) 214
6 Plains (VOW) 398
4 Snow-Covered Forest (KHM) 285
1 Hamlet Vanguard (VOW) 201
1 Declaration in Stone (SOI) 12
1 Dauntless Bodyguard (DAR) 14
1 Esper Sentinel (MH2) 12
1 Cave of the Frost Dragon (AFR) 253
1 Giant Killer (ELD) 14
1 Soul Warden (M10) 34
1 Thraben Inspector (SOI) 44
1 Cathar Commando (MID) 10
1 Hanweir Militia Captain (J21) 14
3 Snow-Covered Plains (KHM) 277
1 Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR) 24
1 Scattered Groves (AKR) 327
1 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (MID) 1
1 Mentor of the Meek (M19) 27
1 Arctic Treeline (KHM) 249
1 Ranger-Captain of Eos (MH1) 21
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch (JMP) 123
1 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
1 Llanowar Elves (DAR) 168
1 Jaspera Sentinel (KHM) 178
1 Thalia's Lieutenant (J21) 27
1 Sungold Sentinel (MID) 37
1 Ambitious Farmhand (MID) 2
1 Castle Ardenvale (ELD) 238
1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite (NPH) 9
1 Temple of Plenty (THB) 248
1 Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter (KLR) 174
1 Champion of Lambholt (JMP) 383
1 Conclave Mentor (M21) 216
1 Katilda, Dawnhart Prime (MID) 230
1 Temple Garden (GRN) 258
3 Snow-Covered Forest (KHM) 284
1 Ornithopter of Paradise (MH2) 232
1 Swords to Plowshares (STA) 10
1 Abzan Falconer (J21) 2
1 Felidar Retreat (ZNR) 16
1 Lair of the Hydra (AFR) 259
1 Castle Garenbrig (ELD) 240
1 Hardened Scales (J21) 99
1 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
1 Heroic Intervention (M21) 188
1 Toski, Bearer of Secrets (KHM) 197
1 Augur of Autumn (MID) 168
1 Rhys the Redeemed (SHM) 237
1 Dromoka's Command (DTK) 221
1 Sunpetal Grove (XLN) 257
1 Hamza, Guardian of Arashin (CMR) 278
1 Intangible Virtue (ISD) 19
1 Anointed Procession (AKR) 2
1 Divine Visitation (GRN) 10
3 Snow-Covered Plains (KHM) 276
1 Tireless Provisioner (MH2) 180
1 Guardian Project (RNA) 130
1 Parallel Lives (J21) 103
1 Hour of Promise (AKR) 197
1 Trostani Discordant (GRN) 208
1 Outland Liberator (MID) 190
1 Field of the Dead (M20) 247
1 Craterhoof Behemoth (JMP) 385
1 Cathars' Crusade (JMP) 95
1 Conclave Tribunal (GRN) 6
1 March of the Multitudes (GRN) 188
1 Beast Whisperer (GRN) 123
1 Kabira Takedown (ZNR) 19
1 Makindi Stampede (ZNR) 26
1 Shefet Dunes (AKR) 329

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Created: 23 Nov 2021
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