Latest Standard decklists July 2024

MTGO Challenge 32 21/07/24
2 days ago - 43 Participants
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1st 4/5C Control roter_Erzengel
2nd Temur Analyst kasa
3rd-4th 4/5C Control _Shatun_
3rd-4th Temur Analyst ovmlcabrera
5th-8th Boros Convoke musasabi
5th-8th Orzhov Midrange Soon
5th-8th Orzhov Midrange Folero
5th-8th Red Deck Wins manalacaio
9th Red Deck Wins Hernan72
10th Orzhov Midrange AKvsJJ
11th Boros Convoke MandrillMan
12th Boros Convoke Hamuda
13th Temur Analyst Moniz0801
14th Esper Raffine James_Zhi
15th Gruul Aggro boom_bust
The Last Sun 2024 Qualifier 20/07/24
2 days ago - 33 Participants
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1st Dimir Aggro Miura Akinori
2nd Red Deck Wins Sakai Tomohiro
3rd-4th Dimir Aggro Isogaya Leo
3rd-4th Esper Raffine Mamada Chikashi
5th-8th Dimir Aggro Seki Takayuki
5th-8th Uw Control Machida Ryuutarou
5th-8th Uw Control Kobayashi Akira
MTGO Challenge 32 20/07/24
2 days ago - 41 Participants
Text List
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1st 4/5C Control ovmlcabrera
1st Boros Convoke La_Ele
2nd 4/5C Control Matsukasa10
2nd Orzhov Aggro Cabezadebolo
3rd-4th Esper Raffine Mogged
3rd-4th Golgari Aggro LucasG1ggs
3rd-4th UW Control CPDJ
3rd-4th Red Deck Wins manalacaio
5th-8th 4/5C Control _Shatun_
5th-8th Boros Convoke Hamuda
5th-8th Boros Convoke yesicabyalexisf
5th-8th Orzhov Midrange Arianne
5th-8th Boros Convoke Magdaregina
5th-8th Temur Analyst Tunaktunak
5th-8th Orzhov Midrange Arianne
5th-8th UW Control FanksEoT
9th Orzhov Midrange _Batutinha_
9th Abzan Aggro remf
10th Boros Convoke AustinC
10th Dimir Control Waldo-
11th Jeskai Convoke Gorzone
11th Gruul Aggro Danielpena397
12th 4/5C Control Jumba
12th Orzhov Midrange beraldi
13th Esper Raffine Lukas261997
13th 4/5C Control Matsukasa10
14th Golgari Aggro levunga21
14th Boros Convoke yesicabyalexisf
The 27th God of Standard Tokyo, Japan 12/07/24
2 days ago - 102 Participants
Text List
Reddit List
1st Dimir Aggro Isogaya Leo
2nd Golgari Aggro Kobayashi Chiaki
3rd-4th Boros Convoke Oka Yosuke
3rd-4th UW Control Takahashi Yuta
5th-8th Boros Aggro Nakasone Ryo
5th-8th Boros Convoke Nakashima Shunichi
5th-8th Dimir Aggro Miura Akinori
5th-8th Esper Raffine Sogo Eiji
9th-16th 4c Legends Aggro Hara Kouki
9th-16th Bant Toxic Nakayama Takuya
9th-16th Esper Raffine Sakai Tatsuya
9th-16th Esper Raffine Takahashi Ryo
9th-16th Golgari Aggro Iso Toshiharu
9th-16th UW Control Naitou Keisuke
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