Latest Pioneer decklists July 2024

Decklists from major events all around the world including online tournaments and tabletop events.

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MTGO Challenge 64 22/07/24
2 days ago - 81 Participants
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1st Devotion to Green Buffix
2nd Lotus Field Lavaridge
3rd-4th Mono Black Control Tulio_Jaudy
3rd-4th Rakdos Midrange billster47
5th-8th Amalia Life Schiaveto
5th-8th Devotion to Green derlumberzack
5th-8th Red Deck Wins esmyth
5th-8th UW Control LAURI_PROTOUR
9th Arclight Phoenix IWikittiorI
10th UW Control D333man
11th Dimir Control _VFS_
MTGO Challenge 64 21/07/24
2 days ago - 64 Participants
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1st Rakdos Midrange Edraros3
2nd Dimir Control _VFS_
3rd-4th Arclight Phoenix azax
3rd-4th Lotus Field nedyahiske
5th-8th Arclight Phoenix O_danielakos
5th-8th Arclight Phoenix OmnipotentOlive
5th-8th Arclight Phoenix mtgbentcard
5th-8th Rakdos Midrange Applechips
9th Devotion to Green MandrillMan
10th UW Lotus Control SuperCow12653
11th Transmogrify ShadowTitan1
Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ Bigred (Japan) 20/07/24
2 days ago - 45 Participants
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1st Amalia Life Nakamura Junpei
2nd Artifacts Aggro Hamada Junji
3rd-4th Devotion to Green Ito Takuro
3rd-4th Spirit Aggro Ushiroda Shingo
5th-8th Quintorius Ueno Takahito
5th-8th Rakdos Midrange Shiraki Kento
MTGO Challenge 32 18/07/24
2 days ago - 65 Participants
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1st Selesnya Aggro SASORISTRIKE
2nd Transmogrify ShadowTitan1
3rd-4th Amalia Life Hamuda
3rd-4th Rakdos Midrange fazparte
5th Quintorius kanister
5th-8th Amalia Life Ale_Mtg
5th-8th Rakdos Midrange LucasG1ggs
5th-8th Rakdos Midrange Arianne
RCQ @ BB-Spiele (Rosenheim, Germany) 13/07/24
2 days ago - 38 Participants
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1st Dimir Phoenix Max Penzkofer
2nd Azorius Control Simon Stingl
3rd Amalia Life Tobias Jakob
4th Rakdos Vampires Johannes Lindner
5th Amalia Life Till Hofmann
6th Amalia Life Shamil Urazbakthin
7th Amalia Life Philip Dumas
8th Rakdos Vampires Brian Nisalke
3City Challenge #8 WPNQ @ Kinguin E-Sports Lounge 13/07/24
2 days ago - 56 Participants
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1st Orzhov Humans Marcin Lewandowski
2nd Gruul Aggro Damian Chrzanowski
3rd-4th Abzan Greasefang Patryk Wielgus
3rd-4th Quintorius Combo Przemysław Olszewski
5th-8th Amalia Combo Wojciech Sarnowski
5th-8th Azorius Spirits Konrad Wacławik
5th-8th Izzet Phoenix Kacper Wasiak
MTGO Challenge 64 13/07/24
2 days ago - 70 Participants
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1st Rakdos Midrange VictorCarvalho01
2nd Arclight Phoenix saikyoluige
3rd-4th Amalia Life frankleb89
3rd-4th Rakdos Midrange MJ_23
5th-8th Amalia Life MatiasDelaParra
5th-8th Niv-Mizzet Reborn Sharkym02
5th-8th Rakdos Aggro moon11
Champions Cup Season Area Qualifier 12/07/24
2 days ago - 56 Participants
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1st Artifacts Aggro Yamane Yuuki
2nd Rakdos Aggro Kai Hiroyuki
3rd-4th Rakdos Midrange Kamezaki Sho
5th-8th Arclight Phoenix Inoue Shouta
5th-8th Rakdos Midrange Kudo Haruka
5th-8th Rakdos Midrange Deguchi Daisuke
Recent Major Events
Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ Bigred (Japan) new
2 days ago - 45 Participants
RCQ @ BB-Spiele (Rosenheim, Germany) 13/07/24 new
2 days ago - 38 Participants
3City Challenge #8 WPNQ @ Kinguin E-Sports Lo new
2 days ago - 56 Participants
Champions Cup Season Area Qualifier 12/07/24 new
2 days ago - 56 Participants
MTGO Challenge 64 22/07/24 new
2 days ago - 81 Participants
MTGO Challenge 64 21/07/24 new
2 days ago - 64 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 18/07/24 new
2 days ago - 65 Participants
MTGO Challenge 64 13/07/24 new
2 days ago - 70 Participants
Champions Cup Area Qualifier Japan 07/07/24
14 days ago - 30 Participants
Champions Cup Area Qualifier Cardbox Osaka 07
14 days ago - 50 Participants
RCQ @ Playtime Italy 07/07/24
14 days ago - 63 Participants
European Magic Series RCQ Spain 07/07/24
14 days ago - 40 Participants
Champions Cup Area Qualifier 04/07/24
14 days ago - 148 Participants
Champions Cup Premium Qualifier Hareruya 21/0
1 month ago - 35 Participants
MTGO Preliminary 19/06/24
1 month ago - 32 Participants
Paprykarz Open Qualifier Pan Mysza 16/06/24
1 month ago - 90 Participants
RCQ Il Labirinto (Bollate, Milan) 16/06/24
1 month ago - 60 Participants
Champions Cup Premium Qualifier Fullcomp Play
1 month ago - 56 Participants
MTGO Preliminary 18/06/24
1 month ago - 32 Participants
MTGO Challenge 64 17/06/24
1 month ago - 81 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 17/06/24
1 month ago - 57 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 16/06/24
1 month ago - 63 Participants
$5K RCQ SCG CON Las Vegas 07/06/24
1 month ago - 86 Participants
MTGO Challenge 64
1 month ago
MTGO Challenge 64 08/06/24
1 month ago - 87 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 07/06/24
1 month ago - 66 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 07/06/24
1 month ago - 69 Participants
MTGO Challenge 64 06/06/24
1 month ago - 81 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 06/06/24
1 month ago - 61 Participants
Top Rank Showdown Regran Toys & Collectibles
2 months ago - 48 Participants