Arena Standard - S22 Turbo Cyclone (No Koma)

  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Neverwinter Dryad (AFR), Vineglimmer Snarl (STX), Hall of Storm Giants (AFR), Lair of the Hydra (AFR), Barkchannel Pathway (KHM), Cyclone Summoner (KHM), Alrund's Epiphany (KHM), Quandrix Cultivator (STX), Ashaya, Soul of the Wild (ZNR), Prosperous Innkeeper (AFR), Lotus Cobra (ZNR), Emergent Sequence (STX), Eureka Moment (STX)
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This deck revolves around the synergy between our two main win conditions which are Ashaya, Soul of the Wild and Cyclone Summoner.  

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild makes all your creatures ''lands'' so the Cyclone Summoner effect doesn't return your creatures to your hand.  It's basically like playing with 8 epiphanies in your decks if you manage to put an Ashaya on the board and make it live until the Cyclone summoner is ready to come to the battlefield.

Lotus cobra is at his best in this deck because it makes all your potential tap lands a lot more manageable and will add tremendous value to all the ''put another land into play this turn'' effects that come with Quandrix Cultivator, Eureka Moments, Emergent Sequence and Neverwinter Dryad.

Prosperous Innkeeper is mainly there for the ramp that the treasure provides so don't be afraid to use it as a chomp blocker to buy you a turn before the combo comes into play. We usually don't really need the gain life in this deck because when you blow off all you opponent side and then attack for sometimes 10+ damages on the same turn with a 7/7 waiting to block any hasty creature that can comeback the next turn, its pretty much over already, even if you are very low on life.

Eureka moment is preferable to something like divide by zero because we really need to get our combo cards together and there is no way lessons can get the same effect for us so this deck doesn't use any learn/lesson cards.

It is also one of the rare simic ramp deck not to use Koma as I don't think Koma goes that well with Cyclone Summoner.   If you cast it too late in the game, your opponent has plenty of mana to put everything back on the board on their turn.  Ashaya makes sure you cast a Summoner as early as possible, when your opponent won't have the mana to recover fast enough.

Since the Ashaya / Cyclone combo is such a big part of the deck, and since you need to play Ashaya first,  it is preferable to have one in your opening hand.  With all the ramp available, Ashaya can often be cast on turn 4 and followed by a summoner or an epiphany on turn 5 with all the additional mana available (Don't forget, Ashaya is also an incredible ramp card as, I repeat, it makes all your crits ''lands'').

This deck might struggle against frost bite in the fist turns on your Cobras or Emergent Sequences.  Against control your can rely on your man lands to fight in the later game.  This deck is at his best against aggro and any form of +1/+1 deck

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Last Updated: 28 Jul 2021
Created: 28 Jul 2021
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