Other - Gladiator - Jeskai Budget Spells

Main 100 cards (78 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (40)
Creature (22)
Planeswalker (1)
Land (37)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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So this is a mostly Budget control deck for the Gladiator format. 

90% of this list is from the starter decks containing either [R] [U] or [W] (there's 10 decks the game gives to you with singles that could go in this list). Anything else is draft chaff Ominous Seasimage , or something I opened in a pack Narset of the Ancient Wayimage (Narset is 100% replaceable, she is just there because I happened to open her). 

The gameplan is very straitforward: You're trying to survive the early game, until you can drop one of the bombs in the deck that cares about drawing cards or casting non-creature spells, both of those serve the same purpose, if you can resolve a bomb and survive until your next main phase with that bomb on the field, you should be good to go. Bombs in this deck include: Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage Thousand-Year Stormimage Shark Typhoonimage there are some non-six-mana bombs as well Ominous Seasimage and Whirlwind of Thoughtimage are both going to serve that bomb role as well. 

Once one of those is in play, feel free to go off with Inspired Ultimatumimage hard cast Boon of the Wish-Giverimage, Mission Briefingimage back your Commence the Endgameimage etc. 

Don't worry too much about running out of card draw in the early game, but it can definitely become a problem, since Arena has a lot less power available in the "Do a thing and draw a card" department than traditional magic, so most of your card draw is centered in big bursts, which can be tense and polarizing. Hopefully resolving either League Guildmageimage or Spectral Sailorimage will help add some consistency. Because you're trying to do almost everything in this deck at instant speed, you'll often have the pleasure of holding up something like Essence Scatterimage, not having a target on their turn, and having mana open on their endstep to draw some cards off of permanents you control. 

Your creatures like Sprite Dragonimage Wee Dragonautsimage and Fire Urchinimage are mainly there to clog up the board/block for you, but sometimes opponents will blow valuable removal on them, which helps your Niv-Mizzets and your other bombs not walk right into removal. Sometimes you'll just get a win off of Wee Dragonautsimage + Raking Clawsimage getting in when they don't expect it. 

This is a budget/F2P list, I'm sure there are improvements that could be made, and I'll definitely be tweaking it as I play more matches. 

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Last Updated: 23 May 2020
Created: 23 May 2020
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