Standard - 4 Color Artifact Combo

Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (12 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Best of 3 on MTGA:

76% Winrate (25 matches)

Oddly, the deck has a higher winrate on the draw; 84.6% vs 66.7% winrate. This is probably because it's easier to miss land drops on the play. Also, good hands are substantialy quicker than bad ones.


This deck uses The Reality Chipimage to gain card advantage by playing multiple cards off the top of the library. Cost reduction effects (Enthusiastic Mechanautimage and Stenn, Paranoid Partisanimage, Urza, Lord Protectorimage) are used to play as many cards as possible in a turn. Other sources of mana, card advantage and virtual or card advantage both help start and continue the combo. Some of these include Thran Spiderimage, Relic of Legendsimage and The Mightstone and Weakstoneimage. Meria, Scholar of Antiquityimage is able to do both extremely efficiently. Mechtitan Coreimage wins the game once the player has a large board state. Mishra's Research Deskimage costs 0 most of the time, works with Meria, Scholar of Antiquityimage and Patchwork Automatonimage (when cast not unearthed) and synergises with The Reality Chipimage.

Thran Spiderimage deals with the flyers in mono red and mono blue while providing mana ramp. An Offer You Can't Refuseimage is in the sideboard mainly for Farewellimage, but still useable against other large noncreature spells. Note that Spell Pierceimage is less valuable when Thran Spiderimage is in the deck.

The Mightstone and Weakstoneimage deals with creatures like Sheoldred the Apocalypse and agressive stratagies while also having the option to draw two cards, which has potential to immediatly win the game. Urza Lord Protector is a slow version of Stenn, Paranoid Partisanimage with a few small advantages. Adding one copy to the deck give the deck another way of winning the game without adding Mechtitan Coreimage. This both speeds up the deck and gives a better way of winning if the opponent deals with the Mechtitanimage Token. Plaza of Heroesimage and protect the token but sometimes there is not enough mana to both create the token and protect it due to playing other cards that turn. Urza, Planeswalkerimage can ensure that you win from this point.

I have consitered all cards up to and including march of the machine aftermatch. Yes, Reckoner Bankbusterimage is not included. It was tested a lot but is too slow and does not contribute enough to the gameplan compared to other options.

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Last Updated: 29 Oct 2023
Created: 10 Oct 2022
118 27 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
1 20 37 2 0
5 4 6 0 0
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