Modern Top Tournament decks July 2024 Last 30 days

Modern decks from major tournament events over the last 30 days. View individual tournaments here.

Creatures Toolbox $949
13.84% of Metagame
The One Ring Jeskai $2,051
12.50% of Metagame
Boros Energy $854
9.38% of Metagame
Mardu Aggro $1,113
6.70% of Metagame
Mono Black Control $2,150
6.25% of Metagame
Instant Reanimator $849
6.25% of Metagame
UR Wizards $864
2.68% of Metagame
Merfolk $662
2.23% of Metagame
Urzatron $1,835
2.23% of Metagame
Living Ends $807
2.23% of Metagame
Dimir Control $973
2.23% of Metagame
Rakdos Aggro $733
2.23% of Metagame
Ruby Storm $995
1.79% of Metagame
Red Deck Wins $398
1.79% of Metagame
Eldrazi Control - Through the Breach $1,966
1.79% of Metagame
Izzet Murktide $581
1.79% of Metagame
Urzathrone $1,723
1.34% of Metagame
Eldazi Tron $1,747
1.34% of Metagame
Creatures Toolbox $1,470
0.89% of Metagame
Red Deck Wins $448
0.89% of Metagame
Burn $440
0.89% of Metagame
Bg Yawgmoth $807
0.89% of Metagame
Rakdos Scam $1,034
0.89% of Metagame
Eldrazi Aggro $792
0.89% of Metagame
Ub Mill $488
0.89% of Metagame
Black Scam $1,065
0.89% of Metagame
Orzhov Midrange $877
0.89% of Metagame
Breach $1,719
0.89% of Metagame
Urzatron $1,800
0.45% of Metagame
Scapeshift $1,961
0.45% of Metagame
Mardu Ephemerate $1,062
0.45% of Metagame
Ur Murktide $453
0.45% of Metagame
Naya Aggro $816
0.45% of Metagame
Uw Mill $633
0.45% of Metagame
Hammer $673
0.45% of Metagame
Dimi Basim $2,359
0.45% of Metagame
Ruby Storm $957
0.45% of Metagame
Eldrazi Control $1,967
0.45% of Metagame
Infect $601
0.45% of Metagame
Hardened Scales $1,025
0.45% of Metagame
Jund Creativity $763
0.45% of Metagame
Dimir Death's Shadow $772
0.45% of Metagame
4c Scapeshift $1,864
0.45% of Metagame
Mono U Tron $2,045
0.45% of Metagame
Izzet Breach $1,976
0.45% of Metagame
Aetherworks Marvel $1,931
0.45% of Metagame
Domain Zoo $585
0.45% of Metagame
Grixis Control $1,155
0.45% of Metagame
4c Omnath $2,115
0.45% of Metagame
Death And Taxes $491
0.45% of Metagame
Most used colors in Modern last 30 days
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