Commander - Breya - 4-Color Artifacts

8 26 12 7
28 33 3 35

Breya was my first artifact deck, probably the 5th deck I made (as I believe Derevi, Freyalise, Darien, and Kings of Meletis were the first 4). It's also probably the most expensive deck I own, with several cards over $5 and even a few over $25. Many of these more expensive cards combo nicely or are a win condition in themselves, but if you want to take a few out I've included a few budget inclusions in the maybeboard. I won off a Deretti ultimate once, but that was due to bad threat assessment by the table. ("This doesn't seem so bad!") This deck has gotten several upgrades over the years, but it is an upgraded precon at heart; Breya was just a good precon.


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Last Updated: 04 Jul 2023
Created: 04 Jul 2023
34 54 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (94 distinct)

Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (33)
Land (35)
Planeswalker (3)

Maybeboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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