Explorer - UW lotus approach

Main 60 cards (25 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Creature (4)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)
Maybeboard 5 cards (2 distinct)

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Explorer Bo1  UW Lotus Approach 

Ramping into casting second sun twice as fast as possible. UW control adjacent decks need a faster win con than a shark typhoon or teferi badge; hence the second sun. 

I run pore over the pages over something like memeory deluge as it's cost negative with 2 lotus out and helps fix my hand. It ramping one mana is never really relevant, it's just the most logical draw spell in this kind of deck. Hitting a farewell, rewind or other instant is ideal as I can then immediately play it if needed. This also plays with thespians stage as I can draw and have mana left over to further ramp if an instant I drew isn't played during the opponent's turn; ill just stage a lotus instead and go into my turn up big. 

Rewind and cards like it (really just unwind) follow the same logic and for my money should be played over something like dovin's veto as they further abuse the lotus and can be followed by another instant if needed, namely settle vs creature decks or a March etc. Running discontinuity in addition is the core of our "no's" and both synergize with our core strategy of abusing lotus field. Just like pore rewinding can leave you mana up into copying a lotus with stage as ramping is the whole idea. 

Finale of revelation is absolutely back breaking when it resolves for 10 and is the ultimate abuse of the lotus's; you are almost certain to pull out another draw spell if you missed whatever you needed to win the game. This deck is very good at working through itself which is core to finding a lotus or enabler early game. 

Gates is a great card as even though it comes in tapped this deck only really cares about lotus field so it's an easy sac mid to late game and helps work through the deck. 

Sulundi and ondu are compromises on needing a ton of lands; though sulundi plays after you cast the first second sun as it essentially guarantees you to hit the second one incredibly quickly. As is the case with this kind of deck; you are going to have a bad time without hitting your lotus t3 and having utility lands helps give you options for land drops if you wiff while still giving you options late game. 

The rest of the deck is textbook UW lotus; this one just has a faster wincon and is built to search out a lotus field/enabler asap. You absolutely need a lotus as fast as possible so mulliganing into the "combo" is essential. 

About cak4life

I just want to abuse lotus field and play approach of the second sun as efficiently as possible. 

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Created: 22 Oct 2023
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