Standard - The Rock

TCGPlayer $134
Cardmarket €107
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Ripjaw Raptor (XLN), Vraska's Contempt (XLN), Woodland Cemetery (DOM), Llanowar Elves (DOM), Overgrown Tomb (GRN), Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN), Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR), Ob Nixilis's Cruelty (WAR), Massacre Girl (WAR), Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR), Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR), Paradise Druid (WAR), Leyline Prowler (WAR), Interplanar Beacon (WAR), Sentinel Totem (XLN), Assassin's Trophy (GRN), Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage (WAR), The Elderspell (WAR)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Creature (16)
Planeswalker (12)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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 *This list has changed dramatically since the initial write-up. Content reflecting changes will be updated to be consistent with the list*


Use the card Debtors' Transportimage for an awesome deck cover in your collection! (We don't play the card, but it's artwork looks really nice as the deck-topper)




This standard list of the Rock functions as a control-oriented midrange build. We attempt to have answers for everything, and can play either aggressively or defensively utilizing the tools available to Green and/or Black. Even before side-boarding, we are able to react to our opponents’ threats. The deck gains even more power in games two and three. Think of this deck as a tool box- you have the right tool for everything. Given the multi-purposed abilities of this deck, the main list can be played in Bo1 formats due to the inherent control and aggression available.


Rock (MTG Wiki Explanation)

Wizard's of the Coast Rock Deck Tech Article

MTG Salvation Forum Thread - Where did the Rock Archetype Get its Name

MTG Top8 - Recent Rock Tournament Lists in Modern 



4 Llanowar Elvesimage

4 Merfolk Branchwalkerimage

4 Seekers' Squireimage

3 Jadelight Rangerimage

4 Wildgrowth Walkerimage

2 Assassin's Trophyimage

3 Cast Downimage

2 Vraska's Contemptimage

2 Bolas's Citadelimage

3 Dreadhorde Invasionimage

3 Vraska, Golgari Queenimage

2 Ugin, the Ineffableimage

4 Woodland Cemeteryimage

4 Overgrown Tombimage

2 Blast Zoneimage

6 Swampimage

8 Forestimage


4 Duressimage

2 Finale of Eternityimage

3 Davriel, Rogue Shadowmageimage

3 Naturalizeimage

2 The Elderspellimage

1 Cast Downimage





4 Llanowar Elvesimage is frequently reprinted, and is often included in green-based decks for its ability to accelerate board development. This card is a fantastic turn one play.



4 Merfolk Branchwalkerimages are included in this list due to the explore ability which has several uses here. Firstly, explore can help reduce our card draw variance by grabbing lands, or filtering out unplayable cards. If you have Wildgrowth Walkerimage on the board, every time you explore you will gain +3 life, and Wildgrowth Walkerimage will gain a +1/+1 counter. Life-gain, specifically, is very important for us due to our inclusion of Bolas’s Citadel which is discussed further below.



4 Seekers' Squireimages are included for almost the same reasons that we include Merfolk Branchwalkerimage. Note that Seeker’s Squire starts with 1 attack and 2 toughness, whereas Merfolk Branchwalkerimage starts with 2 attack and 1 toughness.



3 Jadelight Rangerimages are included, again, for the explore ability. However, unlike Merfolk Branchwalkerimage and Seeker’s Squire, Jadelight Rangerimage will explore twice when it enters the battlefield. That’s six life-gain with just one Wildgrowth Walkerimage on the board.



4 Wildgrowth Walkerimages are included for this card’s fantastic explore synergy. This allows you to face off against very aggressive decks. Be sure to keep this creature alive when playing against Red Decks, because your success will often hinge on Wildgrowth Walkerimage’s survival. Sometimes its better to play another creature on turn two rather than this so your opponent can waste their Lightning Strikeimage inefficiently.



2 Assassin's Trophyimage are included in the mainboard due to the prevalence of Planeswalkers in the current War of the Spark metagame. Be mindful of this card’s secondary effect which will accelerate their land count by one (as long as they have basic lands in their deck).



3 Cast Downimages are included due to this card’s fantastic instant-speed removal. Prioritize your targets appropriately. The first creature the opponent plays is not always the best target. For example, don’t target an opponent’s 1/1 token creature when believe they are likely to play a more impactful threat later.



2 Vraska's Contemptimages are included for the ability to exile creatures and/or planeswalkers at instant-speed. Note that “exile” is different than “destroy”, and cards exiled will not trigger their death-effects.



2 Bolas's Citadelimage are included for the card-advantage and potential late-game damage. You may have seen other lists running explore creatures and this card. We do not have the same game plan. We are not focused on killing with a combo, but instead take advantage of the significant life-gain to utilize the card-advantage Bolas’s Citadel provides. Aside from the absolute impact provided when you are ahead or even with your opponent, this card will often snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. With respect to the life-cost associated with this card, although risky play is often rewarded, make sure that you do not kill yourself.



3 Dreadhorde Invasionimage are included. This two-mana enchantment is an absolute power-house against control decks. It comes down before they can counter it, and many decks will have a lot of trouble with the pressure resulting. Additionally, this can provide some significant late-game life gain if you have a token at 6/6 or higher. That said, you need to be aware of the life-damage at the start of every turn.


3 image

3 Vraska, Golgari Queenimage included. This planeswalker provides many tools and really epitomizes the general deck theory. Vraska, Golgari Queenimage provides removal, life-gain, card-advantage, and even an alternative route for winning. The +2 ability also synergizes very nicely with Dreadhorde Invasionimage and Ugin, the Ineffableimage. If you have Bolas’s Citadel out, make sure you save the +2 ability until after you are stuck with a land on the top-deck.



2 Ugin, the Ineffableimage are played. The +1 ability provides board pressure, defense, and card advantage. The -3 ability is also extremely useful for the removal afforded. Like with Vraska, Golgari Queenimage, if you have a Bolas’s Citadel on the board, make sure to save the +1 ability until after you get stuck with a land on the top of the deck.




4 Duressimage are included for control match-ups. This card works wonders against decks that seek to control your game by pro-actively removing their answers.



2 Finale of Eternityimage are included for against creature-based decks.



3 Davriel, Rogue Shadowmageimage are included for the control match-up. You can severely hinder your opponent with this card, combined with Duressimage.



3 Naturalizeimage are included to combat Wilderness Reclamationimage decks, which allows for its removal at instant speed. We choose this over Thrashing Brantodon and Crushing Canopyimage due to the two-mana cost and the ability to remove artifacts.



2 The Elderspellimage should be played against lists that feature a high amount of planeswalkers.



1 Cast Downimage is included to sideboard against aggressive decks. In games where you sideboard this in, you’ll also probably be sideboarding out Dreadhorde Invasionimage.





Post-Sideboard vs. Aggressive Decks

 4 Llanowar Elvesimage

4 Merfolk Branchwalkerimage

4 Seekers' Squireimage

3 Jadelight Rangerimage

4 Wildgrowth Walkerimage

2 Assassin's Trophyimage

4 Cast Downimage

2 Vraska's Contemptimage

2 Finale of Eternityimage

2 Bolas's Citadelimage

3 Vraska, Golgari Queenimage

2 Ugin, the Ineffableimage


Post-Sideboard vs. Control Decks

4 Llanowar Elvesimage

4 Merfolk Branchwalkerimage

3 Seekers' Squireimage

3 Jadelight Rangerimage

4 Wildgrowth Walkerimage

1 Cast Outimage

2 Assassin's Trophyimage

2 Vraska's Contemptimage

4 Duressimage

 2 Bolas's Citadelimage

3 Dreadhorde Invasionimage

 2 Vraska, Golgari Queenimage

3 Davriel, Rogue Shadowmageimage


Post-Sideboard against Wilderness Reclamationimage

4 Llanowar Elvesimage

3 Merfolk Branchwalkerimage

3 Seekers' Squireimage

3 Jadelight Rangerimage

4 Wildgrowth Walkerimage

2 Assassin's Trophyimage

2 Cast Downimage

3 Naturalizeimage

4 Duressimage

 2 Bolas's Citadelimage

3 Dreadhorde Invasionimage

2 Vraska, Golgari Queenimage




Write-up version 1.0 created on 5/7/19

About CaptainJamoke



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Full time job: Attorney (No legal advice)

Location: North East, United States




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Take naturalize out of the sideboard in favor of return to nature because it deals with Phoenix as well
logged in to upvote, solid brew
i've been playing golgari control for a while now. u should add a couple of assasins trophy or an ugin to deal with anoying enchantments. yw
Thank you for your kind words on my article this morning! In return and in the flavor of experimentation, I will try this deck out and tweak and report (if I have time of course)! Thanks again.
I really like your take on this old deck idea.
Looks like a solid deck and fun to play.
Last Updated: 04 Jun 2019
Created: 06 May 2019
10557 1295 5

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