Commander - Mono Blue Good Stuffs EDH

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (73 distinct)
Planeswalker (7)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (31)
Land (35)
Maybeboard 10 cards (10 distinct)

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Many times when I play Mono Blue in my play group, I feel that I am getting a lot of hate even though I don't even put any threat on the board. It got worse when I used Baral, Chief of Complianceimage as my Commander which draw a lot of hate. I decided to re-iterate my mono blue EDH completely, playing it with more creatures and permanents instead of resorting to counterspells. If there would be an archetype for this deck, I would consider it as a Mono Blue Devotion deck. However, the main goal of this deck is for me to play... what I consider are "classic" blue spells that I love.

Regarding the Ring of Evos Isle

You maybe wondering why I put Ring of Evos Isleimage on the mainboard instead of something like Lightning Greavesimage. Without a doubt, the Greaves is definitely the superior choice when playing the deck. However, I have a memorable memory with the Ring back during M12 Standard era. Therefore, this Ring is in the deck merely for the nostalgia purposes.

Pre Core Set 2020 (ver 1.1)

There are several winning conditions you have for this deck. However, it is not designed to appear consistently every time you play a game with you friends (because it is casual). 

1. You can just control your way through and bash your opponents with huge creatures and Thassa in the end. You can also sneak in a Master of Wavesimage to steal a win.

2. Teferi, Mage of Zhalfirimage + Knowledge Poolimage for cast lockdown. Opponent's won't be able to cast any spells.

3. Vendilion Cliqueimage, Spell Crumpleimage, Hinderimage, or Jace, the Mind Sculptorimage + Tunnel Visionimage for deck mill on a single opponent.

 Core Set 2020 Update (ver 1.2.1)

-Added Flood of Tearsimage in the mainboard. Moved Inundateimage to Maybeboard. The addition of Flood of Tears is fairly easy because Flood of Tears into Omniscience is another win condition that we can have. Inundate, however, is also a good asset to the deck and should be considered playing. Which is why it is moved to the Maybeboard.

-Dungeon Geist added to Maybeboard. You can play the Geist instead of Icefall Regentimage for the cheaper mana cost. However, I prefer the Regent simply because it is a dragon.

-Added Mu Yanling, Sky Dancerimage to the mainboard. Removed Sphinx of Uthuunimage. The Sphinx is honestly great, but looking at the mana curve, I feel that I need to move it down a bit.

-Added Agent of Treacheryimage to maybeboard. If this deck is going more towards stealing people's stuff, you may consider playing this card. It is a cool card.

Throne of Eldraine Update (ver 1.3.1)

-Removed Mu Yanling, Sky Dancerimage the card doesn't work on EDH. Added Brazen Borrowerimage to mainboard.

-Added Gadwick, the Wizenedimage to Mainboard. Gadwick is suprisingly a very good card. I am surprised on its performance in the standard metagame. Furthermore, it is a 3 devotion permanent which synergises well with the deck. Removed Recurring Insightimage from Mainboard, added to Maybeboard. Reason is to increase the frequency of permanent instead of relying on instants or sorceries.

-Added Midnight Clockimage. It is a blue Mana Rock with a great ability if it hits 12 counter. Why not? It is a great addition to the deck. Removed an Island.

-Added The Magic Mirrorimage to Mainboard. This card is made for EDH, it is a very strong artifact and it contributed 3 devotion to Thassa. Removed Scourge of Fleetsimage. It is a heavy card to cast, one that I rather not play.

Some thoughts to take into considerations in the future: Since this mono blue deck is devotion based, yet there is still that desire to run it as a control, it might be wise to consider high devotion non-creature permanents instead. It could serve useful. Throne of Eldraine provided excellent blue permanent that are non-creature.

Theros Beyond Death Update (ver 1.4)

- Added Thassa, Deep-Dwellingimage to Mainboard. Removed Conjurer's Closetimage. An obvious choice. Costs one less, is indestructible, contributes to a devotion and it produces the same effect. Also it has control-ish property as its activated ability.

-Added Thassa's Oracleimage to Mainboard. Removed Preordainimage. Just in general, much better synergy with the deck.

-Added Thryx, the Sudden Stormimage to Mainboard. My god... I love this card. It made all high mana cost creatures played in this deck much more viable. Furthermore, it can be played at instant speed. Removed Brazen Borrowerimage, moved to Maybeboard. The card requires further testing.

-Added Nadir Krakenimage to Maybeboard. A solid 3 mana creature which can be pumped stronger. It also provides 2 points of devotion.

Theros Beyond Death Additional Update (ver 1.4.2)

-Added Callaphe, Beloved of the Seaimage into Maybeboard. This card is rather interesting because it benefits from devotion. I am considering to remove Kira for this, but there is a need for testing.

-Added Altar of the Pantheonimage to Mainboard. It's a synergystic mana rock that is essentially 1 devotion. Similar to Midnight Clock here. Removed an Island for this.

-Added Nyx Lotusimage to Mainboard. I do think this card still requires testing in terms of consistency, benefit and speed. However, I do believe that it is slightly better than Sky Diamond.

-Added Force of Willimage to mainboard, removed Cryptic Commandimage. Cryptic Command's mana cost is way to restrictive to play properly.

-Removed Knowledge Poolimage. The reason why I played the card was for a lockdown on the board with Teferi. However, everytime I play Knowledge Pool, the game dragged on and it becomes very exhausting and unenjoyable. Added Disciple of the Ringimage as a replacement. It is an ok card, but it counters spell and gives some functionality to the graveyard. It's fun to play too.

-Added Thassa's Interventionimage to mainboard for the flavor. Removed Ring of Evos Isleimage.

-Removed Marit Lage's Slumberimage. It's way too slow for memes. Also a reason for me to stop using snow-covered lands and start putting in the Theros's land. Additionally, added Harbinger of the Tidesimage to mainboard. A flash creature in a sense and it is a form of temporary removal for massive threats (I just got beaten by a Marit Lage). It is also a 2 devotion creature.

Ikoria, Zendikar Rising, Kaldheim, Strixhaven, MH2 & Dungeons n Dragons Update (ver 1.5)

- Added Voracious Greatsharkimage to mainboard. A counterspell with a board that comes in with a flash, and 2 devotions. This is a good card. I removed Briberyimage because it's a salt card and I am getting a lot of complaints in my playgroup.

- Added Sea Gate Restorationimage to mainboard. It's just a straight up powerful card, and card draw is always welcomed in the deck. It can even turn into a land if you desperately need one in the early game. Removed Thassa's Oracleimage, just because it's practically hated now and I don't really want the card in my deck due to personal preference.

- I have given it a thought on whether I want Kefnet in my deck or otherwise. Most of the time he serves as a 4/5 flyer with 2 devotions which is great but it's ability does not serve any purpose. This is why I decided to put Orvar, the All-Formimage inside instead as an extra layer of protection and removed God-Eternal Kefnetimage.

- Addded Tempted by the Oriqimage to maybeboard. My god this card is strong. If only it targets all permanent... 

- Added Solve the Equationimage to maybeboard. It's a tutor, I need to put it in for future reference.

- Added Demilichimage to mainboard. IT'S A 4 MANA 4 DEVOTION. Like it doesn't even matter if you can cast it at a discounted cost I guess, a turn 3 Thassa into turn 4 Demilich would mean an activated god. This is before taking into account the amazing ability it has. Graveyard recursion is great! Removed Nyx Lotusimage. Nyx Lotus is a little too slow, even though it's a great card.

- Added Mordenkainenimage to mainboard. It's a new planeswalker, why not? He seemed to be quite solid and a dog with the power of Osiris is great! With that in mind, removed Karn Liberatedimage. Sure, Karn is Karn, but honestly most of the time it just became a flexed card without a real substance to the board.

- Added Iymrith, Desert Doomimage to mainboard. More dragons means better. Always love the blue dragons due to their ward abilities. This card is pretty good too, acting as a solid defender and could potentially attack to give you more cards when needed. Removed Aetherlingimage, Aetherling was kind of a sentimental value to me because it won me my first draft. However, it is mediocre in EDH.


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