Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (29) | |||
$0.22€0.130.03 | |||
$0.39€0.240.02 | |||
$0.72€0.660.02 | |||
$0.25€0.140.03 | |||
$0.35€0.230.02 | |||
$0.71€0.700.45 | |||
$0.40€0.430.18 | |||
$0.25€0.420.03 | |||
$0.20€0.150.03 | |||
$3.00€1.860.04 | |||
$0.47€0.480.02 | ||
$0.20€0.060.03 | |||
Planeswalker (13) | |||
$3.91€5.305.39 | |||
$0.85€0.740.04 | |||
$3.99€2.470.02 | |||
$8.13€7.820.07 | |||
$0.50€0.750.02 | |||
Creature (3) | |||
$0.300.02 | |||
Land (35) | |||
$5.50€4.180.15 | |||
$0.54€0.600.02 | |||
$3.30€3.472.03 | |||
$0.47€0.480.02 | |||
$10.07€9.660.07 | |||
$0.40€0.340.02 | |||
$8.25€9.460.17 | |||
$0.190.03 | ||
$0.590.03 | ||
$0.25€0.170.03 | |||
$13.40€13.600.29 | |||
$0.35€0.200.02 | |||
$0.39€0.270.02 | |||
$0.200.03 |
$0.45€0.290.02 | |||
$0.20€0.140.03 | |||
$3.00€1.860.04 | |||
$0.28€0.130.02 | |||
$0.71€0.700.45 | |||
$0.39€0.160.02 | |||
$0.47€0.230.02 | |||
$0.25€0.160.03 | |||
$1.71€1.010.02 | |||
$1.50€1.891.36 | |||
$0.19€0.210.03 | |||
$4.09€2.840.02 | |||
$8.13€7.820.07 | |||
$0.50€0.750.02 |
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Been having some success in B01 with this. Moved up to Diamond with Temur Rec. I like to try to play around with deckbuilding at this point in the season. I feel like folks are generally playing decent decks once you get to diamond and it's a good testing ground. I have not played enough ever to make it to mythic, best I did was last season with Temur Rec, went 52-25 for 68% win percentage. It took me halfway through Diamond rank, but I didn't have the time to put in to get to Mythic. Maybe one day, probably need to stop spending time doing things like this...
Anyhow, this is one of the most fun and honest control decks I've played. The Fae of Wishes really make this deck shine. The wish-board makes it great in B01 as you can just bring in perfect answers, and swap the sideboard to answer meta-shifts. I also find that the 1/4 body for 1U actually really helps stablize against most of these mono-red decks.
I'm also liking Extinction Event a lot in this deck. Exile is so valuable in this format, and being able to sweep and leave your Yorion (or zombie/nightmare counter army) on the field can really swing things in your direction. Speaking of exiling, the 1-of Soul-Guide Lantern and Kaya, Orzhov Usurper have been super valuable to shut down opponent's graveyard recursion. Additionally, both are still useful when the opponent's graveyard doesn't matter (which really seems to be never at this point) as you can draw a card off Soul-Guide, and Kaya can just outright win you the game. As a bonus, you can exile their entire graveyard or start picking off threat's with Kaya that you'd like to cast later with Ashiok. That way you don't need to rely on the nightmare tokens to exile things. Generally you're going to be casting something you put there with ECD, but it's always good to have options, especially in a control shell.
You've got a couple Veto's and Absorbs for hasty threats, and planeswalkers that will wreck your day the turn they come down (Nissa, Teferi). One Disenchant for instant speed enchantment/artifact removal.
The wishboard is the most fun part of this deck. I love being able to grab a wincon like Commence the Endgame or Thought Distortion, but I find myself more often snagging a low-cost answer that can put me back on the map on turn 6. I am still fiddling with this, it seems like I grab The Elderspell most often; super useful if you have a couple walkers on-board yourself. depending on where you are in mana and board-state, Extinction Event or Time Wipe can shift momentum in your direction, or Planar Cleansing can just hit the reset button. I think I can swap out Mortify, as I should know what I'm removing and be able to cast a more mana-efficient spell. Perhaps some color-hate can find it's way in here, or a Shark Typhoon or something else that can make a creature.
12 | 18 | 44 | 6 | 0 |
0 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |