Historic Brawl - Chainer, Adept at Finding New Lines

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (88 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (34)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (36)

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Hey Y'all!
BPRadiant here back with another spicy brew. I've got a deck with some of the craziest lines of play that I have seen so far. Plenty of tech cards for different types of matchups. Crazy comeback potential and a strong synergy for reanimation. That's right this time we're talking about Chainer, Nightmare Adeptimage.
Above you'll find the aetherhub decklist and the video where I go into gameplay with the deck. Normally I'd leave it at that but I really recommend watching some of the games I think that some of the lines of play are really unique and not stuff that I've had to really think of before. I think it'll give you some insight into how the deck operates.

So first the main reason you'll want to play this deck is if you enjoy graveyard synergies or if you enjoy smashing face with hastey bois. I like both so this was a slam dunk for me. The basic idea is to use cards that let you discard creatures early to draw lands. This way you can either rush Chainer out and go for a big play the turn after or have the mana to activate him the turn you drop him. This will really depend on the matchup and if your opponent has burned any removal yet.
Outside of just haste creatures we have 3 cards that can basically flat out win us the game when played. Tibalt as a 7 drop lets us generate immediate value and any creatures we cast get Haste when Chainer is out. Most people who don't have an answer the turn after he drops get drowned in the value of the cards. Captive Audienceimage is an incredible card at making our opponent have to pick their poison on what's worse for them. It can lead to some really great come backs with how much it does. The most important part is dropping them to 4 life so that we can potentially get a haste threat through. Finally Terror of Mount Velusimage coming down for 10 damage on his own not including your board has really swept up some games for us so far.
Our removal is all flexible with options that hit at least two between creatures, planeswalkers, and artifacts. We do include a few creature options for removal since with Chainer these can be recurred. Plaguecrafter, Demon's Disciple, and good ol' Ravenous Chupacabra all have great value with strong ETB triggers.
We also attempt to use Chainer for his ability to cast flash creatures from the yard as well with Blacklance Paragonimage. This card will make blocking hard for your opponent if they don't just forget about it first. It really lets us setup a great defense for only 2 mana.
We included treasure synergy since that is the best way to ramp in Rakdos right now and with Goldspan and Magda we have a few payoffs for going treasure as well. Getting a forsworn Paladin turn 1 is almost as good as a Gilded Goose in our colors. I've been really happy with that card in Midrange decks.
A few really notable interactions that can lead to unique plays. Burning-Rune Demon becomes a great option for us since we can usually cast whatever they don't want us to have which makes the Sophie's Choice our opponents get even harder. You can often bait them into getting the card you need by offering up something that seems more powerful at a glance. Gravebreaker Lamiaimage allowing us to bin a power pick and make it cheaper to cast is really strong as well. The lifelink has also saved a few games in aggro matchups as well. Garna, the Bloodflameimage is also a house in the deck thanks to the fact that we will also bring back to hand whatever creature we pitched to cast Garna.
Overperforming cards of note are Drana, the Last Bloodchiefimage as giving her haste is just a strong effect to let you immediately recur something and we don't have a lot of creatures that don't provide us with value near immediately. The new Westgate Regentimage also has been very strong since with haste he turns into an 8/8 that becomes a must answer threat to our opponent and taxes them a resource in addition. Then we can just do it again.
The deck does sometimes struggle to keep cards in hand but ideally you're forcing your opponent to answer your threats like a normal midrange strategy but then gaining value since a card in hand can potentially be any creature from your graveyard. So you end up running pretty lean since a lot of our draw is actually just card selection.
Our tech pieces for the current metagame are Chaos Warp, Goblin Ruinblaster for land based strategies and to deal with the large amount of decks using field of the dead. (Myself Included) You can cast the kicker from graveyard so it can just be an incredible piece to set back your opponent. We also have Cheap removal to try to stop the ramp strategies with Kolaghan's Command pulling double duty here by potentially taking out a dork and ramp artifact.
The Matchups
Aggro: Definitely our worst matchup. They can really get under us while we setup but they may have a hard time closing it out once we get our infrastructure in place or hit a board wipe. I think the deck suffers to true aggro with a 1 through 4 curve of creatures. But this is pretty rare in the queue and I've only found it once with a mono black aggro list. Do your best to assess if your opponent has an aggro commander and adjust your mulligan accordingly.
Midrange: We outvalue a lot of other midrange lists hard in the late game since we get our pieces back very easily. I have not lost to another midrange list that I haven't just bricked on drawing before. It has been really cool to get to see. I think that we also have a lot of great pieces into them with our sac effects and some of our hand disruption.
Control: Coin flip I'd say. You've gotta tax their removal hard before you cast the commander and try to then use Chainer to generate value they can't answer. So basically its going to come down to how well do you continuously apply threats to the board that they can't answer. And I do think that we have lines of play that can burst out of nowhere I also think they can draw answers for them and often control packs graveyard disruption.
So that is the basis for the deck. I hope y'all enjoyed my little TED talk on Chainer. I'd definitly rank him up there with Toski in power levels for the new commanders at maybe Tier 1.5 just due to not always giving immediate value like the Tier 1 commanders will. If you have any questions just drop them below and I'll do my best to answer them.
Lets spread some nightmares!
As Always. Be Radiant!

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Any particular reason why? I've been running the deck since I published it and have had close to a 68% win rate. I'm curious what isn't doing it for you?
Two thumbs WAY down.
Last Updated: 07 Sep 2021
Created: 07 Sep 2021
2913 731 2

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
25 20 34 18 0
0 0 1 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 3.24
Recommended Lands: 43