Historic Brawl - Arcades, The Silent Threat

TCGPlayer $148
Cardmarket €105
Cardhoarder 4 Tix
  • Deck has incorrect number of cards: 60 (should be 100 including commander)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 59 cards (53 distinct)

Lands - 24

Maybeboard 1 cards (1 distinct)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 59 cards (53 distinct)

Lands - 24

Maybeboard 1 cards (1 distinct)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 59 cards (53 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)
Maybeboard 1 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Arcades, the Strategist is probably the EDH deck I love the most out of the ones I've played with, it's such a fun deck in paper and Zendikar's Charix is cetainly a fun addition. But unfortunately when it comes to Arena there aren't as many good cards to add to a Wall Brawl Tribal deck. 

There are more defenders available than what I've put in the deck, but they didn't really fit my play type, the deck works a lot better in historic than in brawl, since you have more defenders and more Tetsuko's. Not being able to have multiple copies of a card makes the deck quite lack lustre, but it still works. Games can vary from being a turn four win with Arcades and Tower Defence, you can abuse opponents being greedy really easily.


Odd Pick

There are a a certain card that doesn't really fit into the deck too well, but it has such a good utility and the card draw from it can be useful. The Great Henge, honestly the cheapest you are ever going to get it is 6 mana, the plus one counter rarely matters but the life is useful. It found it's way into the deck solely because I don't own Assualt Formation from Jumpstart which if you want to play the deck in either Historic or Brawl is a useful 2 mana enabler for when you don't have Arcades, Huatli or High Alert


There are a few changes that I would reccomend but I didn't have the cards when I crafted it and for some reason I cannot add the main one to the list. Towering Titan from Jumpstart is a mythic rare that will close out the game, the ability to give things trample and it's P/T being the total toughness of all creatures is perfect for this deck.

The Cultivate is definitely a bit of a dead card, the deck doesn't struggle with mana, and the fixing with the Relic and Lantern fix any problems you might have. Especially once you Arcades out, drawing into mana is not a problem. 

Anything should just be replaced by another defender, you get enough card draw from all the pieces that milling might even be a bit of a problem, so an Oracle is definitely another win condition you could go for if the game statemates. Depending on how you want to win Clear the Mind can easily be swapped out, the main reason it's in the deck is to just recover from a board wipe, but Dusk//Dawn does the same.

Honestly the result with the deck are as you expect, it can be a big hit or a bit of a flop. The main decks I faced were Lifegain, it can deal with them most of the time, you can establish a big enough board state and with Arcades they will rarely want to attack in, if they do you can punish with the Settle if need be. Against Combo and Jank decks that fail to pop off early you can surprise them with a Tower Defence and just win. The deck is definitely fun, and honestly can be made pretty cheaply, there aren't a lot of cards needed to work, just Arcades and Defenders are enough.

About SionConnery

When it doubt, Jank it out.

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I wish I could thumbs this up twice. Absolutely love this list.
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