Commander - Extus, Combo Overlord

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Dockside Extortionist (C19)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (92 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (39)
Planeswalker (1)
Creature (25)
Land (34)
Maybeboard 18 cards (18 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Update 5/2021: Removed Mountain/Plains/Swamp for Altar of Dementia, Cathartic Reunion and Valakut Awakening. The curve of the deck is fairly low and I flooded with too few cards in hand several games in a row. The extra sac outlet and mill were quite nice as well. 

Welcome to the Society of the Oriq, mages who seek power at any cost. Your mission is to infiltrate the halls of Strixhaven and then awaken the Blood Avatar using infinite mana combos to destroy all who oppose you. By creating infinite red and black mana, you can repeatedly cast Awaken from the Command Zone, resulting in infinite damage with declaration of attacks. Suggested combo lines are as follows: 

1. Extus on the battlefield + Dockside Extortionist (X=6 or more) + Worthy Cause:

- Cast Dockside for X=6 or more => Cast Worthy Cause paying its buyback, sacrificing Dockside to pay the spells casting cost => With Extus' trigger on the stack, return Dockside to your hand => Recast Dockside. This will net 1 mana per cycle. 

- After creating infinite mana, target Extus with Worthy Cause and sacrifice him, returning him to the Command Zone => Cast Awaken the Blood Avatar infinite times => move to combat and attack, dealing 3 damage to each opponent per Avatar. 

2. Combo #1 using Birgi and/or Storm-Kiln Artist: this will help to generate mana if your opponents don't have many artifacts/enchantments. Birgi will give you 2 red mana per cycle (1 for Dockside, 1 for Worthy Cause) and Storm-Kiln will give you 1 treasure. This will decrease the Dockside X requirement to X=3 for 1 net mana per cycle, or X=2 if all you want is infinite storm count (see below). 

3. Worldgorger Dragon + Animate Dead + 2 lands/rocks that tap for 1 red and 1 black mana minimum + 1 other creature in the graveyard: explained nicely here 

- Discard or sacrifice WGD using Faithless Looting, Thrill etc. => cast Animate Dead targeting WGD => HOLD PRIORITY and tap all your mana producing permanents in response, making at least 1 red and 1 black => Animate Dead exiles from the WGD effect, sending WGD to the graveyard => when WGD leaves the battlefield, Animate Dead returns => target WGD and tap your mana producing permanents again. After demonstrating the loop to make infinite mana, target a different creature in the yard with Animate Dead to end the loop. 

- Cast Awaken as many times as you desire

4. Twinflame shenanigans (can be discounted using the same tactics as above):

- Cast Twinflame, targeting any of your creatures on the board => hold priority => Cast Dualcaster Mage targeting Twinflame => Have the new copy of Twinflame target Dualcaster => attack with infinite hasty Dualcasters. 

5. Magecraft: Alternate win con involving using Professor Onyx for infinite Magecraft triggers. 

- Easy mode: Cast Onyx => Cast Chain of Smog, targeting yourself to copy the spell infinite times. Congrats, you win. 

- Not as easy mode: Extus + Onyx + Sedgemoor Witch on battlefield with 1 creature in the yard => cast anything to create 1 pest (my favorite is Silence!) => cast Chain of Plasma, targeting the first pest. This will create another pest from the Sedgemoor Trigger, and Extus will trigger returning a creature to your hand=> Discard the creature you drew to copy Chain of Plasma targeting the new pest, triggering Magecraft again => infinite Magecraft triggers

If your pockets are deeper than mine, upgrade the deck with all the usual Fetch and Dual lands with Cabal Coffers and toss in Smothering Tithe, Phyrexian Altar and Sensei's Top. If it still doesn't have enough combos for your liking, throw in Aetherflux with Top and kill people as described here If you want to go cEDH, sub in Ad Nauseum and all the 0 mana artifacts. 

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@Hst97 I looked the ruling up and you are correct. I've never used that combo line before, I just read about it somewhere or talked to a friend about it. It's unnecessary anyway there are plenty of ways to win. Thanks for the nice catch I appreciate it!
How does this work?? Am I missing something? You can't cast Strive targeting an already targeted dockside. "Cast Dockside for X=4 or more => Cast Twinflame, targeting Dockside => Strive Twinflame, targeting Dockside again => net 1 treasure per Strive => Cast Awaken"
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2021
Created: 08 May 2021
1618 144 2

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