Historic Brawl - Calix Enchantment Brawl v2

48 24
19 45 1 34
Midrange Combo

As I said here's the deck update with the new J:HH cards!

In particular I added Sanctum Weaverimage, Sythis, Harvest's Handimage and Sterling Groveimage, three extremely powerful cards for this archetype, and Esper Sentinelimage, another powerful addition to historic that we can easily buff with anthem effects and cards such as All That Glittersimage.

First of all, let me clarify one thing. I'm not sold on the idea of using Sythis, Harvest's Handimage as commander for a simple reason: if you don't have any enchantments in hand Sythis is just a creature, meanwhile Calix, Destiny's Handimage not only can help you find enchantments with his +1 ability but can also use enchantments already in the battlefield to exile stuff or even act as a Triumphant Reckoningimage for the enchantments in your graveyard.

Some argument could be made for something like Ulvenwald Mysteriesimage since we have a decent amount of nontoken creatures or Parallel Livesimage/Anointed Processionimage to pump all our token generation effects (it could even work with kicked Skyclave Relicimage, 5 indestructible mana artifacts for 6 mana doesn't seem that bad does it?).

Of all these additions I particularly like Sterling Groveimage since enchantments are already a permanent type that not every deck can deal with and now even enchantment creatures will be protected from removal if the opponent doesn't have a way to remove it.

Ngl not being able to find Modern Horizon cards in the collection made this more difficult than it should have been lol


If you didn't see the previous version of the deck here you can find a brief overview and some other thoughts regarding the addition/exclusion of some cards, otherwise feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments!

The strategy is pretty straightforward, trying to overwhelm the opponent with a ton of enchantments (and in some cases angels as well with Sigil of the Empty Throneimage) while surviving with different kinds of removal spells.
In the early-mid game you usually want to build up a good mana base with all the different mana rocks (Arcane Signetimage - Coldsteel Heartimage - Selesnya Locketimage - Altar of the Pantheonimage - Skyclave Relicimage) and an "enchantment base" (with cards like Enchantress's Presenceimage, Satyr Enchanterimage but also Starfield Mysticimage and Starnheim Courserimage to help you draw and cast the more expensive enchantments).
As some nice curve toppers, we have both some nice enchantments that can deal with most creature decks or can provide a lot of value (Overwhelming Splendorimage - Sandwurm Convergenceimage - Nyxbloom Ancientimage) and some non-enchantment spells (Ugin, the Spirit Dragonimage - Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hungerimage - Triumphant Reckoningimage) that can help you close the game even faster.
It's not a perfect list and could definitely use some tweaks but I'm having a lot of fun with this.

I'm using Immortal Sun even though Calix, Destiny's Handimage is the commander because most of the time I feel that's more important to stop other PWs (and if you have the possibility to even cast it you are probably in a situation in which you can safely rely on the deck to work even without Calix).
I'm not using Nine Livesimage + Solemnityimage because I find that combo boring tbf (and Solemnity blocks the growth of creatures like Setessan Championimage and the triggered ability of Ranger Classimage - The First Iroan Gamesimage); I'm not using a lot of dual lands (or lands in general since 34 apparently is low pretty for most brawl decks) since I don't like having a lot of tapped lands and I've put a lot of mana gems that can easily fix the mana base (but you can swap some basic for the missing dual).



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Last Updated: 28 Aug 2021
Created: 27 Aug 2021
1285 225 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (80 distinct)

Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (45)
Land (34)
Planeswalker (1)

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