Arena Standard - Simic Flash Ooze

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Wilderness Reclamation (RNA)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Planeswalker (4)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 5 cards (3 distinct)

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Biogenic Ooze- thou its only 2x2/2 for 5 mana, it can make you an army of growing oozes. It's ability have great synergy with Wilderness Reclamation and will work even better with Nissa, Who Shakes the World.
Frilled Mystic - this guy gonna deliver a lot of problems to your opponent. It have hard cast, but the fact that you can play turn 4 Wilderness Reclamation and then have him to counter enemy spell plus put a body on the battlefield makes it worth to put in this deck
Wildborn Preserver - good flash option with defense from flyers, which also can grow in future
Hydroid Krasis - simply the best card in standart in simic colors. It draws, it heals, it flies. What else do you need? The fact that with Vivien, Champion of the Wilds and Wilderness Reclamation it can be played as giant body pretty early is even better.
Unsummon - this is a good option to restrain your opponent's agro, saving your own creatures from removal, or recast Frilled Mystic
Wilderness Reclamation - the cornerstone of this deck. Untaps you mana for counterspells or adapts. With Vivien, Champion of the Wilds it allows you play creatures both your and enemy's turn, or play giant creatures early.
Quench - early countermagic which can be helpfull in late games sometimes.
Sinister Sabotage - counter that can also help you to fix your topdeck. 
Nightpack Ambusher - great flash creature which can produce threats even when your hand is depleted. 
Brazen Borrower - bounce any threat plus decent creature with flash.
Vivien, Champion of the Wilds - gives you ability to cast cards like Biogenic Ooze at the end step of opponent's turn, plus will allow you to play big Hydroid Krasis early with the help of [Wilderness Reclamation]]
Karn's Bastion - good with pumping up your creatures and plansewalkers. With Wilderness Reclamation can be used twice, which increases oozes growth rate or can make your Nissa ult faster.
Nissa, Who Shakes the World - does a lot for this deck. Makes you more creatures. Increases your mana which helps you to make even more Oozes. But sometimes she can make you wrose. You can loose all you mana if opponent starts to remove you lands.

Lovestruck Beast - will help you to contain agro decks as for his decent stats.
Shifting Ceratops - is a good answer to esper, izzet and simic decks. Also this is ultimate answer to Teferi, Time Raveler.
Thrash // Threat - targeted removal for planeswalkers and creatures that are important to enemy (Questing Beast, Edgewall Inkeeper, Rankle etc.). 
Questing Beast - will help you deal with annoying planeswalkers. Also it is good defense/attack in gruul matchups as much as it will also help you to increase your agro if you need to kill opponent asap. 
Aether Gust - will also restrain enemy agro. Generally it put here to deal with Gruul or Mono-red decks
Thrashing Brontodon - makes a good pick against agro as much as enchantments and artifacts heavy match-ups
Mystical Dispute - main reason we play it is Teferi, Time Raveler. The fact that those 2 can be at turn 2-3 makes this counter is the best early answer. Also you can put it in Simic Flash match-up as it will be good and ceap counter you so need in this match.
P.S. I'll probably make some changes in future when WAR will be released and I will play this deck more than now: with friends with proxies.

Edit №1: So after playing lots of matches with different deck variation I've come to conclusion that Nissa, Who Shakes the World should be reduced to 1 and 1 Viven added instead. Yes, her creature generation and mana ramp is good. But her cost and risk of lands would be destroyed is too high. And having creatures with flash, especially with Wilderness Reclamation is so damn good.

Edit №2: So I discovered, that most hard match-ups for this decks are: Boros Feather, Mono-red and Ral Counterburn. Against Feather it depends a lot of your starting hand and the amount of pressure you can hold, until you resolve your Ooze or Krasis. Against Mono-red things go highly more easy after sideboarding, but as with Feather deck it depends much on you starting game (you don't want to pick hands without 2-mana drops). Against Ral Counterburn you simply loose in counterspell game, and most of your creatures will die to enemy burn. However I found that Kasmina giving a real headache to any spell based deck and mono-red.

Edit №3: I tried out to play with Tamiyo and deck performed way better, than with Dive Down. You can place 3 instead of Nissa if you want. Honestly, I don't really like that standart nowdays goes all around plansewalkers, but it just plays way better with Tamiyo for what she does. Also due to increased amount of decks with lots of flyers (Boros Feather, Phoenixes, some of Gruuls and Jeskai Superfriends), I think it will be better to get Skatewing Spy back into deck.

Edit №4: Updated to Core Set 2020. Added so much needed answers to Teferi, Time Raveler and Agro decks. Hopefully it will make these match ups less painfull. I'll make further updates after I'll play enough with this updated version in MTG:A and FNM.

Edit №5: Updated to Throne of Eldraine. I know there were recently a Simic Flash decks, but this deck is a bit different and goes more in late game rather than tempo. Now the idea of this deck is more about flash creatures but with ability to establish dominance on the board in late game by Oozes, Ambushers and Wildborn Preservers. Also I think about how to put in The Great Henge which is absolutely great artifact for green decks.

Edit №6: After playing a while I came to this build. Oko with Gooses are too strong right now and mitigate problem this deck had scince it was created - dealing with treats that are on the battlefield. I wish I could put 1 more Oko in this deck, but can't find any place for it. As an option you can play with 3 Okos and 3 Once Upon a Time without Brazen Borrowers. But I think this card is underapreciated and have lots of potential. 

Edit №7: So this is post-bans version of Simic FlashOoze. Deck became much stronger after Veil of Summer and Oko, Thief of Crowns got banned. Now it performs better in green decks match-ups and standart was flooded with them recently. I decide to give up on idea of early mana dorks instead I target to keep tempo till you put [Wilderness Reclamation]] and/or Biogenic Ooze and start really go off. Spells like Quench and Unsummon should help you to survive through early game. For the last slot left I decide to put Shared Summons which will help you to find exacly creatures you need for particular situation. Yet it can be replaced for additional Quench, Hydroid Krasis or The Great Henge. It depends on your local meta. Also I adjusted side-board finding out that Lovestruck Beast is a really good option for containing opponent's agro. Crushing Canopy is an optional add-on to sideboard in case if meta flooded with [Fires of Invention]] decks. Sorcerous Spyglass is an option too as it can deactivate ovens and planeswalkers in case meta flooded with food. My LGS is flooded with agro and gruul agro decks in particular. So I decide to add more big creatures to sideboard and more Aether Gust to contain this agro. 

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