Arena Standard - Season of Muate

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Growth Spiral (RNA)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Creature (28)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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What is this deck supposed to do?

Well, slam out a hexproof creature and mutate onto it (preferrably with the Insatiable Hemophage). Having multiple of those is adding up pretty quickly. Also your opponent might get really tiltet when you drain him out after he almost had you.

Don't be confused by the missing 3 drops. There are plenty of mutate boys for 3.

(Warning: Not competitive at all but fun as hell)


EDIT: With the current occurence of Lurrus-Sacrifice you might want to run more Gemrazer's to hit on their ovens. A pleasure to see the struggle after insta blowing up the oven. The bat got you covered for the rest.


Season of Mutate

Put down Season of Growth for some card draw with mutate. It will draw you a card even if the spell gets countered or gives you a scry if the target gets removed. Win-win. Note, that mutate itself is not an ETB and thus won't trigger the scry effect.



Ramp up your early game with Grazer, Druid, Growth Spiral and Migratory Greathorn. I have tried Uro as well but he was a tad too much and just claimed a 3 drop spot of the mutate strat. It is more likely that you want to mutate a Greathorn or Hemophage.


Early Alternative

Use Parcelbeast as a cheap mutate dude or as an early card draw/ramp machine if you don't have a ramping starthand (he basically has haste if you can mutate him turn 2 on a Grazer).

If you wanna go aggro: Put in more Gemrazer and go in with a 4/4 on turn 2. Good against Mono Red but thats it. Don't recommend. Greathorn is only 1 dmg less and gives you even more ramp. Also it getting removed doesn't really matter as much.


Literally trampling them to death

Nightveil Predator might be a debatable card in this deck but its an amazing mutate target. Especially when you are going for the finishing blow with Forerunner (death touch, flying and trample are a truly disgusting combination of keywords).

But how do I get there? ...


Slap your whole deck on the table

Got Henge in play? GG.

If not, try to mutate Starrix onto one of your hexproof-draining-mates. It should have a ton of mutation up until that point. Watch your deck getting slammed onto the board. Do it again with a cheap guy like Parcelbeast or Hemophage. Do it again with a cheap guy like Parcelbeast or Hemophage. Do it again with a cheap guy like Parcelbeast or Hemophage..... you get the drill.

Starrix gets you lands into play as well which often leads into insane combos.

Illuna is definitely better than Starrix when it comes to the synergy with mutate. You don't have your Hemophage out yet? Get Illuna going and put the card into your hand. While Illuna is more versatile, Starrix offers an insane oneshot potential with forerunner and an amazing "draw your whole deck with Henge" combo. Hence there are two copies each in the deck. 


When in doubt - call for Batman

One of the best cards in the whole deck might be the Dirge Bat. It will be your hero at any given time and since we are ramping like batshit crazy (pun intended) you will often see a turn 4 mutate of this thing. But always wait for the sign in the sky first. You surely don't want to cast your precious hero into open mana. Flash it in when the time is right and watch the villain cry in vain as the hero bat emerges from the sky. Oops, wrong universe. Anyway, two of those things will double trigger if mutated onto each other (EVERY SINGLE TIME).



Feel free to swap out some cards. Especially Nightveil Predator is my personal preference as well as not running Uro. Have a look into Barkhide Troll if you want. There might be a world where you could run a copy of Embercleave since it would get onto the battlefield for free with Illuna and Starrix. 

Also more Henges could be thing but I'm not too sure about that. 

Vivien might be an option as well. You can cast every mutate spell with flash but it didn't feel really necessary. I think that would require a different approach on the deck strategy. 



I'm not much of a BO3 player but I threw in some options to play against unfavorable matchups. You want to swap out the Bat against the Harvester if you should play a similar matchup (hexproof-mutate). The Shark is a great way to deal with Flash and Fires decks. It also synergizes really well with the Bat since you can do it again in your opponents turn (watch out for 3feri tho). 

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