Arena Standard - Reclamation Bo3 ladder

  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Wilderness Reclamation (RNA), Growth Spiral (RNA)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Creature (6)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Many reclamation lists I've played have felt... a little off. Like there was potential, but something was missing. Then it hit me. The only two cards we really want to cast are Wilderness Reclamation and Expansion/Explosion. Everything else in the deck simply needs to enable that combo to happen. What a lot of these decks were missing was... Card Draw!

So with that in mind, I added Precognitive Perceptionimage to the deck as an all-star card draw spell to help us find those two cards. The addendum effect is relevant, allowing us to potentially see 6 cards off of 5 mana. That's insane! It may only look like a card draw spell, but paired with Wilderness Reclamationimage, this card wins games.

Root Snareimage frequently buys us extra turns to finish out the game and I've found it to be far better than spot removal or bounce at keeping us alive long enough to shoot our opponent in the face. So much so, that I have considered dropping the number of Flame Sweepimage to 1 and adding an extra Ionizeimage. Admittedly Root Snareimage is no good against Questing Beastimage, so if the meta is heavy with them the sideboard may require further tuning, such as replacing Scorching Dragonfireimage with Lava Coilimage, and removing Flame Sweepimage from the main-deck in favour of Ionizeimage. I have kept it as is for now because Flame Sweepimage is still relevant, but feel free to play around with it.

Ionizeimage is better than Sinister Sabotageimage, due to the fact that it means we have to spend two less mana on an Explosion to finish off our opponent. This isn't always relevant, but it can be in close games.

The other cards in the deck are just for ramping, blocking, and early card advantage.


Onto the lands. You will notice that I have not included any temples whatsoever. I believe it is absolutely critical that we give ourselves the best opportunity to play Wilderness Reclamationimage as early as possible. And we can't do that if we have it in hand on turn four and we draw a temple. I think the scry and mana fixing doesn't outweigh the massive con of potentially not being able to play the best card in our deck early. It basically means that we have lost a turn, which can be game-ending. This is also why I have included only one Castle Vantressimage as I believe our absolute priority is getting lands into play untapped on critical turns. It could potentially go up to two, so feel free to experiment with it.


Obviously we don't have a great match up against little Teferi. Those game 1's are winnable, as little Tef decks don't typically apply a ton of pressure, but we probably aren't favoured. So, the sideboard is tuned heavily to improve our matchup against Teferi. Fryimage, Brazen Borrowerimage, Shifting Ceratopsimage, Mystical Disputeimage and Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage are all for this matchup, with the added benefit of being good against Flash decks as well. I haven't included Brazen Borrowerimage in the mainboard as I don't feel it improves our strategy game 1, and currently I think that the card, while very good in certain matchups, is overrated in the meta. Return to Natureimage and Scorching Dragonfireimage were added to help against Jund Sacrifice, as our root snares are basically dead cards in that matchup a lot of the time.

Our absolute nut draw looks like this: T1-Grazer. T2-Growth Spiralimage. T3-Wilderness Reclamationimage & Card Draw. T4-First Expansion // Explosionimage. T5-Wilderness Reclamationimage and Second Expansion // Explosionimage. Opp is dead.

Obviously in practice we have to deal with disrupting opp's game plan sometimes, and vice-versa. It's also highly improbable that we will draw all the necessary cards in time, so this example is simply to highlight that a Reclamation deck can be about implenting our own game plan, as opposed to simply reacting to our opponent's game plan.

As far as actually playing the deck, all I can offer is that when you cast Explosion, you oftentimes have good odds to draw cards you need, such as root snare or ionize, so it can pay to leave mana open in case you hit those cards, depending on the situation. This deck is about mana and card advantage, so some planning is required when sequencing cards.

And finally, good luck!

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Last Updated: 19 Dec 2019
Created: 07 Dec 2019
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