Explorer - Wrenn and Tend

Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Planeswalker (2)
Creature (14)
Land (24)
Side 7 cards (3 distinct)
Maybeboard 12 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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"Wrenn & Tend"
The Dryad's suffering sealed the pact with the Daemogoth's and the massacre began...

A pest deck that has a big goal, using Daemogoth Titanimage or Daemogoth Woe-Eaterimage with Tend the Pest as a defensive spell until opponents end phase then go on the offensive. Use Mystic Reflectionimage to target one of your creatures if you want (a great target is Wrenn and Sevenimage's Treefolk) or one of your opponents creatures (goldspan dragon was one of my best so far) and depending on the creature you sacrafice you get that many token's.

Solid combo I've been able to pull off reliably is Daemogoth Titanimage + Tend the Pest at opponents end phase, and on my turn attack will x11 1/1's followed by casting The Meathook Massacreimage causing the opponent loosing up to 11 life.

While turn 3 looks empty, you have plenty of things to do, the Neverwinter Dryadimage or Deadly Disputeimage give you the abilty to skip up to 4 casting cost or if you have "learned", Pest Summoningimage is always good, worst case you just cast a 2 mana spell.

(play note, don't play blue mana until you need it and make sure to prioitize getting 2 black mana because the spells that require it, come up quickly.)

Some of my big choices that I could used some other thoughts on have been:

Would really like another add another Deadly Disputeimage and The Meathook Massacreimage but not sure what to cut. Was thinking Dina, Soul Steeperimage but she is a bit of a dark horse to victory and has a lot of synergy with the deck.

x4 Binding the Old Godsimage over x4 Daemogoth Titanimage while the latter is tempting for the combo, the removal of a permanent is just to good to pass up.

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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2023
Created: 08 Apr 2022
157 36 0

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