Arena Standard - Kenrith's Field of Fires and Flame

  • Deck contains 3 invalid cards for this format: Field of the Dead (M20), Once Upon a Time (ELD), Fires of Invention (ELD)
Main 60 cards (29 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Planeswalker (4)
Creature (16)
Land (25)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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A new twist on the Golos/Field of the Dead shell with some serious potential! King Kenrith is the real deal.
Only Bo1 for now, once I have the 60 sorted and a meta emerges we can speculate on a sideboard.

The land base is definitely the sketchiest part of this deck - playing more than 25 lands is probably correct so we have room for fetchable gates/basics and the mana sink Castles, but I'm choosing to lean on OUAT as a free land fixer in a lot of openers because we do need to be able to dig for our payoffs in the midgame.

Points to note:

- Kenrith's main roles are, in order: giving zombies/giants haste+trample, reanimating golos/giant/cavalier (then hasting), gaining 15 life a turn vs. aggro, drawing cards.

- Fires of Invention is obviously a slight nonbo with Golos activation. You won't always have both in play though, and Golos activations rarely hit 3/3 excellent spells. You'll usually get 2 spells and a land drop - which is great!

- Cavalier of Flame might seem odd, but it serves as a redundant haste enabler (the most important part of Kenrith) and another large attacker we can have out alongside our legends. Specifically, the ability to give our army trample with Kenrith AND +X/+0 with Cavalier is very important in the Field mirror. Remember Kenrith can reanimate the Cavalier to make this happen, as well as anything you discarded to Cavalier's ETB!

- Once you have zombies you're often not flustered by their board, so consider that Teferi can bounce your Fires! I've definitely had turns where I play Golos & Teferi off Fires, bounce Fires, then activate Golos and cast the spells.

- Field is still pretty much the crutch of the deck, don't keep hands that don't have Field/Golos/Once Upon a Time. Keeping a strong hand with a Kenrith is acceptable if you think they can't immediately kill him, as his dumb abilities will carry you so long as he's in play. 

Have fun, crush Standard! Let me know if you have any suggestions

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Last Updated: 27 Sep 2019
Created: 27 Sep 2019
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