Historic - Jeskai Artifact Beatdown

Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This deck grew out of a jeskai aggro shell I found online, and I decided to tweak it a bit to my tastes. 

First and foremost, I must point out Stonecoil Serpentimage's protection ability, making it hard to be blocked and being unbounceable by the likes of T3feri. As such, it's our number one vector for our auras, especially when coupled with its lovely trample ability. Its x cost also makes it a neat early game creature, cheap cycle with Jhoira, Weatherlight Captainimage, cheap boost for All That Glittersimage, while also letting it be a powerhouse later on, when you can cast it from the grave with Emry, Lurker of the Lochimage. Truly, this creature is amazing.

Ornithopterimage serves a similar, albeit significantly weaker role. First of all, it lacks protection - but does have flying. So when it comes to blocking, sometimes it's a better choice to glitter it up over Stonecoil. However, it's a good cycler for Jhoira, and can be used to chump block stuff if needed - and recurred with Emry.

Embercleaveimage is a finisher, as you might've guessed. Slapping it onto a glittered creature is all but certain victory, but the pressure it provides by itself cannot be understated. 

Mind Stoneimages give us ramp and cycling, and can be recurred by Emry for effectively 3,T: Draw a card (and with Jhoira, it's 3,T: Draw two cards). 

Karn, Scion of Urzaimage is fairly simple to understand: card draw (even if weaker at first), or generating massive tokens. And I'm talking MASSIVE. It's not uncommon for his first token to be a 5/5. As you might imagine, that makes for an excellent Embercleave target.

As far as creature removal goes, I'm currently going with 2 glass caskets and 2 lightning strikes. The former has synergy with our artifact package, while the latter can get rid of some problematic stuff the casket can't touch such as Captain Sisayimage or planeswalkers as a whole, while also giving us some reach. The deck cycles fast enough that you seldom will need more than this.

On our sideboard, we have generic solutions to broad problems: Deafening Clarionimage deals with aggro decks, while God-Pharaoh's Statueimage puts a hamper on combo decks. Invoke the Divineimage and Disdainful Strokeimage are very helpful against any deck that relies on a 4CMC enchantment such as Smothering Titheimage, Wilderness Reclamationimage or Fires of Inventionimage, and the latter can prevent some threats from hitting the board. Then there's Sorcerous Spyglassimage, which single handedly cripples Kethys decks to such an extent, it's almost unfair.

About LauraGambler

Star/Jenny player that tries to brew new stuff with weird cards! Plays far too much Izzet for her own good.

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Last Updated: 17 Dec 2019
Created: 17 Dec 2019
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