Arena Standard - Izzet Bo1

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Goldspan Dragon (KHM), Demon Bolt (KHM), Cinderclasm (ZNR), Riverglide Pathway (ZNR), Hall of Storm Giants (AFR), Frostboil Snarl (STX), Shatterskull Smashing (ZNR), Prismari Command (STX), Divide by Zero (STX), Spikefield Hazard (ZNR), Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Expressive Iteration (STX), Test of Talents (STX), Alrund's Epiphany (KHM), Mascot Exhibition (STX), Teachings of the Archaics (STX), Introduction to Annihilation (STX), Environmental Sciences (STX)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Creature (6)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (33)
Land (21)
Side 7 cards (4 distinct)

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Here's the Bo1 Izzet deck I've been crushing with in standard events.  This feels like the right ratio of the multiple threats/strategies that Izzet has at it's disposal.  Izzet is the best deck right now, no doubt.




Two is enough because these are dead without a card to copy.  Plays really nicely with Fading Hopeimage or a foretold Demon Boltimage when playing aggro.




A one-of when playing three Fading Hopeimage and three Divide by Zeroimage should be fine.  This guy is just so versatile.  Decent blocker, card advantage, allows you to reuse your Divide by Zeroimage to learn three more times per match, return him to hand by reusing Fading Hopeimage to blank opponent's removal, slam in the mirror to make your galvanic iteration and Epiphanies uncounterable.  The downside of Lier is he doesn't feel great to draw multiples, but if you can protect one when you get him down he takes over the game.  One-of is the way to go.  This is how we win mirrors.




Mono White and mono green are the toughest matchups.  This tends to help if you open against Mono White, but both decks excel at getting out of range of this.  There's a version of MonoW running a lot of one and two drops that care about multiple spells per turn and this will destroy their gameplan.




Also a one-of.  This a versatile card that can help ramp you, but once again, we never want to draw two.  Always best on Turn 3, or 4 if you can double spell.  Take what you can get from the opponent or loot for more relevant matchup cards.  Always a good idea to pitch Galvanic Iterationimage since it has flashback on it's own.




Another one I've not liked in multiples, but one-of has saved me in ways that another Goldspan Dragonimage can't.  This or Lier seem to be our defensive options at 5.


image  image


Good early blocker.  Just wins the game late, especially if you can get Lier on the board.  Eats up removal before your Goldspan or Lier come down.



I think people are tired of this deck, but I'm really enjoying it.  It plays so differently depending on what deck you're up against.  It has the ability to be proactive/aggressive, or sit back and play defense.


Mono G

Just prevent damage and lookout for Snakeskin Veilimage.  If you can get an egg down and hold up a bounce spell to blow out Blizzard Brawlimage that helps also.  You may need to cast some epiphanies to get blockers down.  Trample creatures will be the ones to get us.  For some reason people aren't playing this very much on the Event.  I think if you play it right, this deck is definitely the best aggro deck.  Our bounce spells line up well here.


Mono W

We're tetering on the edge of not having enough spot removal.  We need to have some interaction in our opening hand in order to win this match.  We're looking to save our Fading Hopeimage till we can double it with Galvanic Iterationimage.  I have the worst record against this deck.  I feel like I am somehow constantly lose to a topdecked Legion Angelimage, which is a one-of in their deck.  Tilting. 


Izzet Mirror

Sometimes you can get in quick with a dragon.  If not, be ready to block some birds and try to get up to 8 mana with an iteration and foretold Epiphany before they do.  If they run counters, try to get Lier out.  You have a Test of Talentsimage also.  Feel free to hit the first Memory Delugeimage or windfall with this if you can.  That could allow you to put pressure on and win early with card advantage.  Otherwise Galvanic Iterationimage is probably best as Epiphany by itself without Goldspan Dragonimage or Smoldering Egg // Ashmouth Dragonimage isn't that dangerous.  The versions with windfall will be faster to iterate their epiphanies than you, but they run little to no dragon threats, so leave up your Divide by Zeroimage] or Jwari Disruptionimage or Test of Talentsimage.  Against dragons, try to dig for removal and bounce - stay alive until you can iterate.  Most decks I see are focused on one strategy or the other (Iteration or Dragons), we have both!


Azorious Control

Mostly a Mana Race.  Lier and Test of Talents can help us win very quickly.  Sometimes you want test and then bounce your lier while it's on the stack.  Just hit your land drops, wait for them to tap, do the math, and iterate them into oblivion.


Esper Control/Dimir Control

Cinderclasmimage and Smoldering Egg // Ashmouth Dragonimage blow out Sedgemoor Witchimage.  They do not put on enough pressure to get ahead of iteration/epiphany.  Make sure you can deal with Professor Onyximage, but everything else will take too long to kill you.  Most of their removal is targetted also, so Goldspan will be ramping us as well.  The Esper control decks are often very similar, but with Vanishing Verseimage, so our Fading Hopes should be up if we're casting Goldspan



Look out for the hasty werewolf.  That's all, lol.  You have enough bounce and removal to hold them off until you can take over with mana, card, and turns advantage.

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