Historic - [Historic] Rakdos Burn

TCGPlayer $94
Cardmarket €73
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (22)

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There isn't really much to say here. The idea is to just burn your opponents down as quick as possible. I know in this era of Lifegain everywhere, that is easier said than done. Therefore, I have included Roiling Vorteximage to help deal with that. You can also use Tibalt, Rakish Instigatorimage or if you are feeling bold Rampaging Ferocidonimage as well. I prefer Vortex because it does get in guaranteed damage on your opponent and you should be able to burn them down before it becomes a problem for you.

The one card that can really hurt us is Valkmira, Protector's Shieldimage. I'll usually just move on to the next game if I see that come down.

The Burn:


Most of these are self-explanatory. A few notes: Sword-Point Diplomacy is a great card to use when you are close to winning, but not close enough. It is simplay amazing how many people will do the work for you to prevent you from getting burn cards. Roiling Vortex was explained above. Risk Factor is better used later in the game when you've whittled your opponent down. It isn't as good in the early game because people will usually take the 4 damage rather than let you draw 3.

The Creatures:


Butcher gains counters whenever it hits an opponent and turns into burn when it dies. The Haste helps it get damage out early. Thermo-Alchemist helps burn faster because it untaps itself whenever you play an instant or sorcery. Pyromancer makes chump blockers. Everyone knows Torbran by this point. He adds 2 damage to all your red damage.

Potential Alternate cards:


Emancipation is a little mana intensive for this deck, but you could pair it with Irencrag Featimage. It just seems really slow for this kind of a burn deck. As mentioned above, Tibalt and Ferocidon are also good pairs for this deck if you don't want to use (or don't have) Roiling Vortex.

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