Arena Standard - Izzet Snow

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Shock (ANB), Volatile Fjord (KHM), The Royal Scions (ELD), Snow-Covered Mountain (KHM), Frost Bite (KHM), Riddleform (M21), Riverglide Pathway (ZNR), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Goldspan Dragon (KHM), Bonecrusher Giant (ELD), The Akroan War (THB), Faceless Haven (KHM), Snow-Covered Island (KHM), Glimpse the Cosmos (KHM), Fabled Passage (M21), Witch's Oven (ELD), Ox of Agonas (THB), Soul Sear (M21)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Planeswalker (4)
Creature (11)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Deck Update 2/14/2021

This deck is firing now! Really good and aggressive for BO1

Deck Update 2/13/2021

Two ways to play, against control get scion out asap, get value with bone cursher and glimpse of cosmos. If against aggro utilize removal and get to akroan war. Cheers!

Deck Update 2/2/2021

Found some witch's oven to adapt to the showdown Naya deck, it was not enough to possess the lovestruck beast if I did not have a soul sear, so we have to kill it also! The witch's oven has been beneficial against other decks too, so definitely a keeper. This is definitely a midrange/control deck, but I would say it can strattle the aggro area too because the riddleform and royal scion hit so hard. Have fun!

Deck Update 1/31/2021 II

Really like the magmatic channeler over the rim rock knight, you can go land hunting on turn three if starved and....the opponent immeadiately wants to remove due to the board presence, win win. There is enough sorcery and instants for the riddleform, rim rock was just extra, and is not essential. BTW I was able to activate cosmos three times in one turn fter activating the faceless haven, sooooo good!

Deck Update 1/31/2021

Last day of the season, obviously if you have been playing you have seen the "jank" that tibalt trickery is, turn two ugin, ultimatum, or kraken, yahh that will be banned just like omnath. Kind of went 1-4 against those decks, so not good for the rank, however, this deck keeps improving. Lost the hazards for two more mountains and two more glimpse of cosmos, so good with the faceless haven and bone crusher. Thanks again to stormwraith and cgb, you are a good influence and definitely stay more on top of the new cards than I have, but, I ordered a set booster box for this set, so woo hoo! Cheers everyone, keep grinding

Deck Update 1/30/2021

WOW! Kaldheim is here in a big way for izzet, alot of the issues that control and ramp decks pose to this deck have been mitagated due to the key interactions of Faceless Haven, Frost Bite, Bone Crusher, and Glimpse the Cosmos. Glimpse the Cosmos is down right dirty, it really shores up a dead turn if you have a bunecrusher or faceless haven on the field, and potentially give you a big two card turn. Just wow so far with this, if you have not watched the CGB video with his izzet giants that is a starter to see some of these cards in action. Cheers!

BTW This deck I guess is not "Hasty Izzet" anymore it just kills opponents, frequently.

Deck Update 1/28/2021

Hey everyone! I am well out of the top 1200 now, which is bittersweet, because even though I held a cozy spot in the top 200 I still wanted to play! I found out alot of things about this deck at the end of the season. For this deck the fervent champion and the pheonix of ash, while hasty creatures, just do not fit in with the riddleform at all. Nowadays we have to find answers, and take gambles. I was given guidance from the great CGB, I am a patreon, and he is right, the one mana one drop creatures just do not fit in with riddleform and the deck in general, so I just put in per suggestion 4 shocks instead, The mana base is mostly clean, our variety lands will be shatterskull smashing and spikefiled hazard. If you are going to get flooded, should be with cards that do something for you :) I also put in two oxes for answers in the mid game. And definitely the negates over the miscasts, hits things like ashioks and embercleaves :) Cheers! Blake

Another tip, say your draw has two basics, one spikefiled hazard, and one bonecrusherr. Regardless of if we are on the play or draw. I would say it is ok to throw down that spikefiled hazard as a first turn tap land. Having the bonecrusher is definitely some insurance, even against mono white and mono red, we really want to hit that 3 mana turn, where we can cast a scion and find some answers with the akroan war, or more land. 


Deck Update 1/26/2021

Got into the top 200 today, woo hoo! Then I thought my simic food deck could hold up in rank, and let's just say that was not successful :) Anyways I really like the magmatic channeler, so i am putting an additional one in, and losing a phoenix of ash. The channeler find the answers, and combos really well with the royal scion, happy playing everyone. 

Deck Update 1/25/2021

A big thanks to stormwraith, the channeler is a definite upgrade from the tome, it only let me down once, and that was because of a serious flood. A couple of deck tips to anyone that plays this. If you draw two lands and a spikefiled hazard, I would definitely hold the hazard, the meta will be playing alot of value 1 drops and two drops, including alseids, selfless saviors, innkeeper, and even the kargan intimidator. It may be instinctual to hit that three mana curve, but you just have to trust the deck. The losses I had today was against a good gruul deck and a rakdos deck that I could not draw land for the life of me. Other than that I started at 99% I am now #391, not bad for an hour or so of playing :) cheers!

Deck Edit

Skimmed into the top 1000 today, then droped a few in a row to get back to 99%. I was drawing way too many lands, potentially had 26 before, I had these lands in place before for akroan war and embercleave. And to be honest those cards can be great, but they can also be complete whiffs unless your deck is very focused to those particular cards. I added some bounce with the brazen borrower, and some additional protection with the miscasts. This deck seems to have no cap on improving, but I am confident this latest one is an improvement on the last. Cheers!

Deck Edit

I played alot of good matches vs alot of BO1 decks today, I found that I needed to have a better board presence so I grabbed some stern dismissals. This card is going to be great against alot of matchups especially against pretty much all of mono whites big threats. There is no way you can race against mono white, there has to be an element of control. The removal is now really balanced, 4 spikefiled hazards, 2 shocks, 2 scorching dragonfire, and two soul sears. The embercleave just was not fluid enough with the riddleforms. The mazemind tome is great because it can activate the riddleforms and provide some life and answers against more grindy decks. Izzet has a big place in standard, and with practice I think you will come to love this deck. Cheers!

Deck Edit


Hello! I have received all of these cards in the mail and they shuffled really well, I did notice a little overflow of ramrock knight from previous games and wanted to experiment running three instead of 4 and running an additional akroan war in its place. The shuffles have been really nice with this setup, for instance instead of potentially drawing three ram rocks in a game, we can get an akroan war in its place, this deck is complete now! Woo hoo! Hope you enjoy playing it! Blake

Deck Edit


The shocks are good, however, it has really sucked not being able to play an akroan war or embercleave on turn 4, because we are playing less creatures than a traditional mono red, 4 lands on turn 4 is going to be important. So, take out the shocks, and add 4 spikefilled hazards, it is going to accomplish what shock can do and just miss a few targets like Lurrus and Scavenging Ooze. So not the biggest deal, plus we get a few extra lands to make sure we hit those crucial turn 4 cards. I have cut a soul sear in favor of another scorching dragonfire, I will still keep a one up on the soul sear, really good against mono white and lovestruck beast, but I do not need too much extra coverage for big creatures because of the akroan war. Because we do not need 28 lands we wil cut a mountain and an island in favor of two more royal scions, this is a really good deal for the deck. Cheers!

Honestly if you want to make top 100 mythic you should just play wide mono white. Speaker, doggies, dakkos, moth, luminarch, lurrus, alseid, heliod, and linden. 4x all of those and add some land and you are all set. 

Deck Edit 1/20/2021

I want you to forget about sprite dragon and prowess, we want to get down and dirty, perhaps fire of the scion and get out of the game asap. To do that we need to make sure the riddleforms are going off, we are cutting mono red cards like anax and torbran in favor of akroan war and soul sears. Rimrock knight needs a target for the riddle form and that will usually be the fervent champion, however in the worst case it will be a bonecrusher and that still will not be that bad. You will want to favor red mana unless riddleform is in your hand, then you may have a tough decision, but it should not be too complicated. I went 5-0 in mythic with this update today. It is really balanced, especially with the land, hitting just enough blue, and being comfortable to cast riddleform and scion on turn two and three consistently. Happy hunting and beat up that mono white!

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Hey storm, a tentative yes on both of those, I will run the sims, tinker with it a little bit though. But it seems like a no brainer
I saw a nice comment on a reddit post, the idea seems enticing to be able to replace the two mana 3 damage instants like scorching dragonfire, could help a lot with my curve when I hit turn 4.
When Kaldheim comes around, would you consider going snow for Faceless Haven and Frost Bite? I feel it would be good to have faceless haven as an extra attacker in the mid-game, but I understand if you are concerned about your manabase or Reidane.
Hey Storm, Great suggestion! I do feel like the tome can be overboard, I really do not need 24 life midgame with this deck. I think a strength of this deck is that your life total does get preserved because players isolate the royal scion 95% of the time before going to face. I will definitely be giving it a go. Another thing about the riddleforms is that they are a great resource, but it is ok if you miss a turn or two without them going off, even in the late game. Thanks!
I feel as though a tome would be detrimental to the aggression the deck has, and the Izzet color scheme has enough problems doing that anyway. I might suggest magmatic channeler, as it still provides card advantage while also adding to a board presence, and also being a target for rimrock knight. That being said, Riddleform triggers are hard to get, so i wouldn't blame you keeping it in.
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2021
Created: 20 Jan 2021
665 599 5

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