Standard - Green Rhythm (Bo1)

  • Deck contains 14 invalid cards for this format: Carnage Tyrant (XLN), Rootbound Crag (XLN), Ghalta, Primal Hunger (RIX), Steel Leaf Champion (DOM), Vine Mare (M19), Vivien Reid (M19), Nullhide Ferox (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN), Llanowar Elves (GNT), End-Raze Forerunners (RNA), Incubation Druid (RNA), Rhythm of the Wild (RNA), Thrash // Threat (RNA), Stomping Ground (RNA)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (29)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (23)
Maybeboard 11 cards (11 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Hi everyone, my name is Rob, today we're going to take a look to a mono green (with a splash of red) deck I've been working on recently; before we start I want to apologize for my bad English (I'm Italian).

The deck

The concept behind this deck is really simple, as years of history and traditions teach to us, green decks always had one job: to ramp mana and to drop huge creatures onto the battlefield (yes, we're ignoring elves on purpose because they are pure evil).

Unfortunately there's one little problem with doing this in the actual standard meta, we are incredibly slow, wich means we need to find a way to protect ourselves from both aggro and control decks; we do this by adding smaller but still treatening creatures like Steel Leaf Championimage, and some utility cards like Thrash // Threatimage and Rhythm of the Wildimage.

Ps: this deck is designed for "Best of 1" (Bo1) matches, that said it can also be used for "Best of 3" (Bo3) matches, with the inclusion of a sideboard of your choice.



I know I said they're evil, but they produce our precious mana, so we really, really need them, always look for at least one in the opening hand.



Same as Llanowar Elvesimage.



The first one of our little allies, this guy comes in at the cost of 2m with a 3/2 body, but what is really special about him, is that he can help us to deal with those annoying flying creatures the enemy may have on his/her side of the field.



Another elf, yes you're right, but this one rides a giant beast so i doesn't count, besides that he's a 5/4 that can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or les, I like to call him "The Aggro Slayer"; unfortunately he has one great weakness, and its name is Lava Coilimage.



3m 3/4 dinosaur, nice, but you know what's better, a 3m 3/4 that sacrifices himself to destroy an artifact or an enchantment, you want to get rid of that annoying The Immortal Sunimage/ Divine Visitationimage/ Dawn of Hopeimage/ Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage/ The Eldest Rebornimage, leave it to the trusty dinosaur.



Our first big boy, 4m for a really nice 6/6 body and pseudo-hexproof, really nice against control decks, I found him particularly usefull as a counter move to Nicol Bolas, the Ravager // Nicol Bolas, the Arisenimage; that said be careful with him, because he can lock you out of using your planeswalkers or your utility spells.



Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to present you, the one and only "Green Pony"! An absolute beast when dealing with control decks and also golgari, because he can't be blocked by black creatures, and with a strenght score of 5 he can be a serious threat if underestimated; one little note, beware the Deafening Clarionimage.



The bane of every control deck, there's almost nothing that can stop this monster making him an incredibly powerful late game (even turn 4 if you ramp enough mana) bomb; against black decks always be sure that he's not alone on your field, because he can still be sacrified (The Eldest Rebornimage/ Plaguecrafterimage); against white pay attenction to board whipes like Cleansing Novaimage/ Settle the Wreckageimage or even double Deafening Clarionimage.



What to say, drop them onto the field and smash the city down to pieces! Awesome finisher in late game, especially if you have more than 2 creatures on the board, +2/+2, vigilance and trample to everyone, where do I have to sign? Yes they are a little expensive but we're running a green deck right? Pay attenction to Settle the Wreckageimage.



This guy is the physical manifestation of the green color in mtg, he is big, really big,  he tramples, leaving nothing but dust behind him, and he wants to fight alongside other big creatures, to totally destroy your opponent, he may be killed by removal spells but in the end, who cares.


Instant and Sorceries


The first one of the two red cards in the deck, on the left side, we have a great removal that can help us to deal with planeswalkers, yes i'm talking about you Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage; on the right side we have a 4m 4/4 trampler, because we love big boys.




The second red card in the deck, and the key of our strategy, making every single creature in our deck uncounterable and also giving them riot, that basically means endless potential, as an example: uncounterable hasty Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage; this card is an absolute must against every control deck.




Vivien perfectly fits in our strategy, coming in at 5 loyalty and giving us drawpower with her +1, flying creature/ artifact/ enchantment removal with her -3, and making our creatures even deadlier with her ult.



In this section I'm going to show up some of the possible changes to this deck.


  • The Anti-Red Strategy: this one can also be considered as a sideboard strategy, when facing Red Rush decks you need life, to get life you need lands, so we need to swap 4 copies of Incubation Druidimage with 4 copies of Merfolk Branchwalkerimage, because they can give us lands without having to stay on the board; then swap 3 copies of Kraul Harpoonerimage with 3 copies of Gift of Paradiseimage, this will help you to gain some life and mana advantage; last but not least, cut 1 copy of Carnage Tyrantimage and 1 copy of End-Raze Forerunnersimage and add 2 copies of Pelakka Wurmimage, this guy can really save your day with that 7 life gain, plus he's still a 7/7 trampler and draws you a card when he dies.





I'm going to analyze the matchups with some of the most common, and strongest meta decks;


  • Vs. Blue Tempo: don't get fooled by the name, this deck can be as aggressive as a White or a Red one, but with one little difference, maybe two, first every single creature in it except for Merfolk Tricksterimage can fly, second it has counter spells; that said you definitely need a Kraul Harpoonerimage in your opening hand and a Thrashing Brontodonimage to get rid of the Curious Obsessionimage, also having a Rhythm of the Wildimage may be really helpful; try to be as aggressive as you can.







  • Vs. Orzhov Afterlife: this is a tricky matchup, your opponents will try to bait you into killing their small creatures in order to trigger afterlife and get, literally, a billion 1/1 spirit tokens with fly; so in this case you really have to think on what you're doing, especially when blocking/attacking your opponent; the safest option is to poke him with Vine Mareimage, because it can't be blocked by most of the creatures in their deck, so look for it in your opening hand; also look for a copy of Kraul Harpoonerimage to kill their Seraph of the Scalesimage, but be careful, if Teysa Karlovimage is on the field you may want to let the angel live and focus on her instead; also look out for Kaya's Wrathimage and Revival // Revengeimage because these two cards can completely destroy your advantage (if you have some) in a split second.



  •  Vs. Dimir Control: another easy one, make sure to have Rhythm of the Wildimage in your opening hand, only drop it on the board when you're sure it will not be countered, if you manage to do this you've basically won the game; if you're not able to play Rhythm of the Wildimage keep a Kraul Harpoonerimage in your hand to deal with Doom Whispererimage and try to get some hexproof creatures on the field; pay attenction to Ferox Nullhide locking you out of playing Vivien Reidimage.



  • Vs. Esper Control: skill based matchup, you can't rely to much on Rhythm of the Wildimage because it will be destroyed by Cleansing Novaimage, that said you really need turn 1 Llanowar Elvesimage as opening move otherwise you will be too slow to do anything; try to keep alive at least one heproof creature on the field and a Thrash // Threatimage in your hand to kill Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage; you need to play every single card wisely or you'll lose the game.







Thanks to everyone that read the list and/or this description, I really hope you liked it and that you're having fun if playing it 
















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Created: 02 Feb 2019
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