Arena Standard - Dragonkind v2 [S22]

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Galazeth Prismari (STX), Hall of Storm Giants (AFR), Iymrith, Desert Doom (AFR), Prismari Command (STX), Inferno of the Star Mounts (AFR), Snow-Covered Mountain (KHM), Snow-Covered Island (KHM), Faceless Haven (KHM), Volatile Fjord (KHM), Frost Bite (KHM), Alrund's Epiphany (KHM), Dragon's Fire (AFR), Goldspan Dragon (KHM), Saw It Coming (KHM), Expressive Iteration (STX), Frostboil Snarl (STX), Shatterskull Smashing (ZNR), Riverglide Pathway (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (11)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Land (23)

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19/08 - Since I have been facing some mana issues and the meta does not require boardwipes like Crush the Weakimage/Cinderclasmimage, I added 2x Shatterskull Smashingimage and it has worked great due to its versatility.

22/07 - The choice between 4x Frost Biteimage and 2x Frost Biteimage + 2x Crush the Weakimage/Cinderclasmimage depends on the decks you are facing most often, but I have found that Frost Biteimage works well in most matchups, including against decks that go wide, but, in any case, going against mono-white for example is already a hard matchup and a boardwipe is not guaranteed to help.

The deck is tuned to have a decent answer to both aggro and control decks in the Standard 2022 BO1 meta.

The objective is to beat down the opponent with our dragons while protecting them with the counterspells and removing any early-game threats or blockers with the burn spells.

Key Cards

Galazeth Prismariimage, Goldspan Dragonimage, and Alrund's Epiphanyimage, being the key cards in any Izzet Dragons decklist, are present here as well.

Inferno of the Star Mountsimage and Iymrith, Desert Doomimage demand immediate answers or bring much value both through their board presence and abilities. The former's activated ability is a decent combat trick that has won me multiple games when the opponent was not paying attention or rushed to answer it, leaving them more vulnerable. The latter's Ward ability helps it remain on the board versus decks that do not have Soul Shatterimage. Both are excellent at pumping Dragon's Fireimage.

2x Frost Biteimage are replaced by 2x Crush the Weakimage as a board wipe versus aggro decks that go wide. I prefer Crush the Weakimage to Cinderclasmimage, despite it being at Sorcery speed, as by Turn 2, it is often clear whether the opponent has an aggressive list, making Foreshadowing it instead of Saw It Comingimage the logical choice and allowing you to have more mana later on, so that you can establish board presence while removing threats. Example: Turn 4 Galazeth Prismariimage + Crush the Weakimage is now possible. The card also exiles creatures it kills, meaning that Fireblade Chargerimage does not deal damage to you or a creature you control.

Prismari Commandimage is the answer to the artifacts in some aggro lists, especially mono-white.

Faceless Havenimage is a 3-of, as more than one in play is rarely beneficial.

Hall of Storm Giantsimage is there for style points.

Versus Other Decks

The deck is strong against most control decks, especially Dimir. It handles most aggro decks well, but mono-green and Gruul are hard matchups.

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