Standard - Dimir Pirates (ROTATED)

TCGPlayer $58
Cardmarket €52
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 27 invalid cards for this format: Dive Down (XLN), Hostage Taker (XLN), Drowned Catacomb (XLN), Unclaimed Territory (XLN), Fathom Fleet Captain (XLN), Siren Stormtamer (XLN), Spell Pierce (XLN), The Scarab God (HOU), Ifnir Deadlands (HOU), Cartouche of Ambition (AKH), Fatal Push (AER), Fetid Pools (AKH), Grasping Dunes (AKH), Curious Obsession (RIX), Warkite Marauder (RIX), Dire Fleet Poisoner (RIX), Cast Down (DOM), Fungal Infection (DOM), Dive Down (XLN), Fell Flagship (XLN), Lookout's Dispersal (XLN), Spell Pierce (XLN), Ruin Raider (XLN), Vraska's Contempt (XLN), Scavenger Grounds (HOU), Cast Down (DOM), Detection Tower (M19)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

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Dimir Pirates is a tempo deck that I've been playing on stream to much success in Competitive Constructed.  Additionally its NEARLY rotation proof (lose an unnecessary The Scarab Godimage, Cartouche of Ambitionimage and deserts.  Let's see what these guys bring to the table!


Creature Package:

4x Siren Stormtamerimage is the only 1 drop creature in the list.  It protects our buffed up, go wide boards from single target removal and fights against Settle the Wreckageimage

4x Warkite Marauderimage is the centerpiece of the list.  It's a great 2/1 flyer for 2 that can turn our opponent's creatures into 0/1 abilityless creatures!  Combo it with a -1/-1 effect and we have a near endless supply of single target removal!  (Unless they have hexproof...)

4x Kitesail Freebooterimage is a great tempo play.  It steals key cards from our opponents and allows us to play around their removal and answers.  Also...its a pirate... ARGHH!

3x Fathom Fleet Captainimage  This is our go wide strategy and helps us put power at the board without risking too many of the cards from our hand.

2x Dire Fleet Poisonerimage This is our answer to hexproof creatures and larger creatures when we don't have a Warkite Maruader in play.  Flash adds to its flexibility, allowing us to hold up mana to answer our opponent's cards, and then if the mana is unneeded, cast a creature onto the board.

2x Hostage Takerimage This is our pirate Ravenous Chupacabraimage with upside.  If you don't own any, Ravenous Chupacabraimage is a fine replacement.

1x  The Scarab Godimage  We are running Dimir, did you really think he wasn't making the list?



4x Curious Obsessionimage This is our primary form of card draw and let's us boost important pirates up to x/2's to avoid Goblin Chainwhirlerimage

3x Dive Downimage Our screw you to removal, also good as a combat trick against more aggressive lists.

2x Spell Pierceimage  More protection for our board, can usually answer board wipes on curve, and Spell Pierceimage is notorious for gobbling up Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage, Karn, Scion of Urzaimage and the rest of their planeswalker friends!

2x Fatal Pushimage  This card exemplifies our strategy!  Cheap, potent, removal!

1x Fungal Infectionimage  Becomes another 1 mana kill spell in the hands of Warkite Marauderimage

1x Cast Outimage Another flexible cheap kill spell.  

3x Cartouche of Ambitionimage Lifelink is relevant for aggro matchups, and the -1/-1 pairs well with Warkite Marauderimage


Mana Base:

6x Islandimage

4x Swampimage

4x Drowned Catacombimage

4x Fetid Poolsimage

2x Grasping Dunesimage allows us to turn our lands into removal with Warkite Marauderimage

2x Unclaimed Territoryimage Of course, always name pirates, 2 is the right number.  Remember, this doesn't work for colored mana for our noncreature (or The Scarab Godimage) spells

1x Ifnir Deadlandsimage is our 3rd copy of Grasping Dunes, but helps smooth the mana out by providing a black source when in a pinch.

1x Field of Ruinimage Don't leave home without it!



3x Ruin Raiderimage Standard's verison of Dark Confidantimage great vs control, terrible vs aggro.

4x Lookout's Dispersalimage Priemer counterspell for Pirates

1x Fell Flagshipimage Great to up our clock vs control and to rid them of cards in their hand.

2x Vraska's Contemptimage I'm looking at you Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage

1x Detection Towerimage Necessary evil vs Mono Green

1x Scavenger Groundsimage to combat The Scarab Godimage decks.

1x Cast Downimage

1x Spell Pierceimage

1x Dive Downimage  

All for the same reasons as above!

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Last Updated: 28 Sep 2018
Created: 18 Sep 2018
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