
Fatal Push


Destroy target creature if it has mana value 2 or less.
Revolt — Destroy that creature if it has mana value 4 or less instead if a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn.

"Then I leave you in the hands of fate." —Ezio Auditore

  Assassin's Creed (ACR)
#204, Uncommon

Illustrated by: Lie Setiawan


  • 2020-08-07
    Fatal Push can target any creature, even one with mana value 5 or greater. The creature's mana value is checked only as Fatal Push resolves.
  • 2020-08-07
    If a creature on the battlefield has in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0.
  • 2020-08-07
    Revolt abilities don't care why the permanent left the battlefield, who caused it to move, or where it moved to. They're equally satisfied by an artifact you sacrificed to pay a cost, a creature you controlled that was destroyed by Cast Down, or an enchantment you returned to your hand with Cyclonic Rift.
  • 2020-08-07
    Tokens that leave the battlefield will satisfy a revolt ability.