Historic - Channeler Blitz

Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (20)

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Ok so I've tried a lot of ways to abuse Delirium and Madness in the same Deck, trying to emulate the kind of feel you can have in a modern type deck and so far, this is how I've managed to get There.


This deck has more than good crits, Fire to clean up the board, lots of card Draw and can be quick as hell. Most Spells are cast for 2 mana of less considering altenate casting cost is available for a lot of them.  I'm not saying it's tier one but so far, I'm having a lot of success with in post jumpstart Historic Horizon metagame.



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Let me first start by saying that, to me, Stonecoil Serpent is by far the best Delirium enabler in the format.

It doesnt require to be discarded to get to graveyard because you can actually cast it for 0 mana.  

It is counts for 2 card types (Creature and Artifact) so a first turn Faithless looting where you discard the serpent and a land or any instant gets you to delirium already.

It is a more than excellent late game Draw (compare to Mishra's Baubble)

It can chomp block multicolored creatures all day if you cast it for 1 mana, even flying ones.


I don't have to explain why DRC is in the Deck, and the Magmatic Channeler is usually very quickly a 4/4 for 2 mana that can enable Madness and generate card draw.  


Blazing Rootwalla is usually cast for free and when you got available mana, it swings for 3 which is more than excellent.


The Drawing engine


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Both Channeler will help this already solid Drawing engine.  Faithless looting is almost always your best turn 1 play (discarding a Rootwalla if you can), Thrill of Possibility also works pretty well with madness and Light up the Stage is just icing on the cake


Burn Spells


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Those are pretty obvious choices for a Madness/Delirium build.  3 damage to any target or 6 to any creature/planeswalker for 1 mana. It currently can't get better than this in Historic as far as burn spells are concerned


Other Goodies


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With all the graveyards mechanics currently available and popular in Historic, you have tu run some graveyard hate maindeck.  The Lantern is never a dead card as this count as an artifact in the graveyard, can sacrifice itself and will get you a card doing so. There is no reason not to run two of those main deck.

Shatterskull Smashing is a sorcery, can get rid of some crits, will help mana if needed.

Ramunap is a land that sacrifice itself if needed and will hit for two so, we run a full set of those.


Hope you'll have fun trying this deck.  To me it's one of the best DRC build currently available.  



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Last Updated: 10 Sep 2021
Created: 31 Aug 2021
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