Commander - Bilbo's Treasures

  • Deck contains 4 invalid cards for this format: Alora, Rogue Companion (HBG), A-Thousand-Faced Shadow (NEO), Melt Through (YBRO), A-Prosperous Thief (NEO)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (64 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Creature (34)
Other (1)
Land (40)
Maybeboard 4 cards (4 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Credits to my friend <Blak=Truffle]=+  for this. I had wanted to brew around Bilbo and he had this fantastic idea of us building it around Backup, Kicker and some Auras to keep things out of the way. He also suggested the strangest all Star in this combo: "Wharf Infiltrator" a rather recent addition to Arena and in one of my Alts already so shockingly it works well well I might have to brew a modern build around Bilbo and Ifilitrator. <.< Anyway the jist of why it's good is because one tempt of the ring doesn't do much wheras two enables the only downside on the blasted thing "Auto Loot" which isn't too bad though with the amount of resources we're likely spending a turn to protect Bilbo and or disable our opponent's stuff it can lose us good resources. Wharf Infilitrator however makes it so when we discard a creature we suddenly get a 3/2 for the low cost of 2. This works well as our board presence even when it's full isn't really threatening if Smaug or one of our few big creatures isn't in play, even then not much above 6/6 Dragon assuming the saga goes off. When I test it in RL I might also add a certain "draw a second card get x" enchantment or creature in here as I remember them existing but not their names specefically. <.< Other than that we're mostly in it for for flavor rather than outright murder through copy spells:

Smaug: With Bilbo's ability to net us treasure we can cast this easily and it fits the Hobbit theme.

Gandalf: Might need more high costs Sorcery bombs to make this one work as a mechanical piece but as flavor or "bam suddenly wizard" I love it and ofcourse Bilbo and Gandalf are firends in the books and movie.

The one Ring: Actually a flavor win but sort of a fail here in play testing (granted still only been 2 sessions so maybe it'll pick up) it provides well amazing card draw BUT it costs us life in a deck where we're not gonna block much to begin with. Darius and some Soldiers made us pretty much die to our own draw power there and we don't have ways to bounce or destroy it so...yeah flavor win but kinda mechanical loss. ^^;; Still is so cool when both are on the field. Biblo's Ring ironically might be better in our deck for both and might see myself dropping this for once from Commander dream list.

Sting: ....Yeah didn't have one but totally an addition along with Mythril Mail if you can! 

Rogues: Bilbo with low cost rogues feels at home shockingly and they have some good snergy with him with Guild Thief just loving wearing the ring and sneaking through. Whirler and Expendible Lackey providing some pretty nice tempt targets too if Bilbo gets too high.

Dwarves: Shockingly Dwarves have synergy with Bilbo. <.< Who would have thought? Almost enough to make Magda an include in this especially if you can get a Seven Dwarves proxie with our Desolation of Smaug co-stars printed on every one of these. Is a goal with this deck of mine personally if I build it in RL which it's really looking like I might do.

Other than that feel free to let me know if you find something I missed or just tips and tricks! I love talking Commander and am always wiling to update my decks based on advice from friends and strangers.

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Last Updated: 15 Sep 2023
Created: 25 Jul 2023
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