Arena Standard - Golgari bo1 ranked (62% plat to myth)

TCGPlayer $96
Cardmarket €78
Cardhoarder 4 Tix
  • Deck contains 12 invalid cards for this format: Wildgrowth Walker (XLN), Carnage Tyrant (XLN), Merfolk Branchwalker (XLN), Seekers' Squire (XLN), Vraska's Contempt (XLN), Jadelight Ranger (RIX), Ravenous Chupacabra (RIX), Memorial to Folly (DOM), Woodland Cemetery (DOM), Cast Down (DOM), Detection Tower (M19), Vivien Reid (M19)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Planeswalker (4)
Land (24)

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Nothing special or unusual. This is basically the same as any golgari list you see all the time in top 8's of major tournaments. Because you are playing bo1 you have to decide what you want your deck to perform well against.

The ladder is currently filled with mono red, boros/mono white aggro and stuff like selesnya tokens. Depending on your rank you will see a little more or less control. The control decks are all either Jeskai, dimir or turbo fog. Without a sideboard golgari is extremely weak against control and all you can do is play your cards and hope for the win. Becuase of this, coupled with the fact that aggro is so prevalent, the above list is tuned against aggro.

Aggro matchups:

Mono red:

At lower ranks mono red players often missplay against wildgrowth walker buy tapping out and casting incinerates to early. The better plays will almost always hold one back for the moment you drop it. Ideally, you want them to be tapped out and have 4 mana to play a walker followed by a branchwalker.

You want to always keep a cast down for the early steam-kin play.

What works reasonably well is just to throw bodies on the board to block conservatively and soak up burn spells. Later on you then use find to fetch your walkers and explorers to close out the game.

Once you land 2 or 3 explores with a walker out the only thing you can really lose to is experimental frenzy.

There is enough hate in the deck to almost always have an option to deal with it. Brontodon, trophy and viv are all good anwers.

Overall, mono red is a generally good matchup and it often ust depends on how crazy their curve is.

White wheeni / boros aggro / selesyna tokens:

This is another favourable matchup for golgari and the playstyle against all three of these decks is quite similar. Find/finality is what you need. In every scenario where I could play finality on curve I won the games easily. Becuase find/finality is so good against all of the aggro decks on the ladder I would often keep it, even in awkward openers.

One of the biggest misplays I made with this deck was binning a find/finality off an explorer. I regretted it. The card is ridiculous and you will always want to have it.

Key targets in this match up are benalish marshal and adanto. I often played vraskas on adantos without having a reasonable blocker up and it won me games.

Cards to really watch out for are reinforcements and any of the combat trick spells. What these players often don't realize is that loxodon just gives you a free turn to get to your finality.

Don't be afraid to throw bodies and trade unfavourably if you know a finality is on the way. The only annoying removal they have is conclave, but this list has plenty to deal with enchantments.

If you are facing more of the white aggro decks over red you can swap out a couple of the cast downs for moment of craving (good bye adanto).

Control decks:

All I can say here is try your best to play around their evil board clears and counter magic while hoping carny T carries you to victory. Control is really not an issue on the ladder. It's very rare in diamond especially and a bit more common in the lower ranks.

If you see them stabalize with card advantage just concede, go next and smash some red players.

Golgari mirror:

I am not sure about other players, but I honestly enjoy the golgari mirror a lot. It's really fun and is essentially purely a game of value. You have to make sure to deny their card draw. Always use vraska's contempt on the midnight reaper (that card is mvp in the mirror, it won me so many games).

There will be rarer occasions where finality is the play, but more often that not you will be using find for the value.

Try your best to trade favourably, bait out a vraska's then drop viv and protect her. You need to make sure you are always just edging slightly ahead of your apponent.

Tech card choices:

Thrashing brontodon: This is a no brainer on the ladder (good body and enchantment killer). I sometimes ran 2 but I found 1 along with assassin's trophy and Viv to be more than enough.

Vraska, Golgari queen: This might seem a little greedy for a bo1 meta, but this card was the MVP of so many games. Her -3 kills a lot of very high value targets (benalia and steam kins are my personal favourite) and late game she can be a real value engine. I often won the golgari mirror with her emblem.

Assassin's trophy: I was dead set against this card initially. A friend suggested I try it and he was right. This card as a one of can be so clutch. People don't expect it and will generally play around vraska's contempt with their key creatures and planeswalkers.

Detection tower: Very good in the mirror and upsets dive down players immensly. 

Thanks to anyone who read this far. I have never written a deck 'guide' or anything but I enjoyed playing this deck on ladder a lot. It felt strong and reliable.

My overall winrate was around 62%. It was nearer 70% all the way up to diamond 1. The climb from diamond 1 to mythic was by far the toughest.

Good luck!

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This deck is just bullshit, a completely waste of wildcards. 1-6 in gold 4, GOLD freaking 4!! Totally out of meta...
NIce Guide thx...i played 66% to Mythic...
Last Updated: 10 Jan 2019
Created: 09 Jan 2019
5041 130 2

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