Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30) | |||
$1.09€0.820.02 | |||
$0.74€0.660.02 | |||
$1.52€1.891.36 | |||
$0.35€0.230.02 | |||
$0.20€0.090.03 | |||
$0.27€0.090.02 | |||
$0.25€0.100.03 | |||
$0.19€0.120.03 | |||
$8.20€5.410.02 | |||
$0.20€0.110.03 | |||
$0.40€0.220.02 | |||
$0.20€0.040.03 | |||
$2.86€2.670.02 | |||
Planeswalker (4) | |||
$0.50€0.250.02 | |||
$0.75€0.730.02 | |||
Land (26) | |||
$0.39€0.190.02 | |||
$0.20€0.060.03 | |||
$0.20€0.070.03 | |||
$0.39€0.300.02 | |||
$0.20€0.130.03 | |||
$0.34€0.200.02 | |||
$1.400.03 | ||
$0.190.03 | ||
$0.550.03 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsA rotation-proof Jeskai shell. Key cards are:
This particular version is for BO1, but a sideboard for a BO3 version that adapts to major meta-decks should be pretty easy to build. Please leave sideboard suggestions in the comments.
Please leave any advice to tweak this version for BO1 in the comments as well.
There are basically two ways to win -
1) Massive amounts of direct damage to the face. Works best with Fiery Emancipation (The Nuclear Option):
2) A flood of Sharks (War of Attrition):
How to Mulligan -
General Playing Guide -
Against Mono-Red: Prioritize tap land life gain, aggressively cast Revitalize and maximize the value of Shatter the Sky. After the first Shatter the Sky, use spot removal to stall until you draw a win-con. Shark Typhoon is particularly effective with spot removal.
Against Temur Adventures: This matchup is a race and not an easy one. Get Whirlwind of Thought on the board ASAP to keep up with card advantage. Sadly, you can't use Elspeth Conquers Death on Lucky Charm. Banishing Light works until they draw Brazen Borrower. Try to have the burn in-hand before playing Fiery Emancipation, to minimize Brazen Borrower interference. (*To tailor this deck against Temur Adventures, replace minor burn spells with counterspells and/or artifact hate. Could probably replace Chandra, Heart of Fire and something else with a pair of Dream Trawler or some other high-end creature threat.)
Against counterspell control & flash decks: Stack land and craft your hand with burn to pull counterspells, then drop a threat Fiery Emancipation or Shark Typhoon when the opponent is tapped. Basically, get in where you fit in, but it's not a fun matchup.
Against Removal Heavy Control: Laugh all the way to the bank.
Against Stompy and everything else: Play for value, remove major threats until a win-con hits the board.
Lover of IPAs on a quest to become a Master Brewer.
32 | 5 | 17 | 6 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |
??? Some advanced magic here