Standard - Naya Palladia

26 20 20
22 12 2 24


Hi guys, it's me Rob, this time I will like to show you a Naya list (White-Red-Green) I've been trying recently, I hope you guys will like it; again, I apologize for my English (I'm Italian).

The deck

The deck provides us with a great amount of versatility, due to the presence of 3 different colors in it; White gives us some really big removal spells like Settle the Wreckageimage and really nice defences like Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage, Red gives us damage spells like Justice Strikeimage, and last but not least, Green gives us mana thanks to Llanowar Elvesimage; but if these colors are good alone, when they're put toghether they can give us something incredible, like Palladia-Mors, the Ruinerimage.

This deck can be played in both "Best of 1" (Bo1) and "Best of 3" (bo3) formats, I won't add a sideboard to the list because i think everyone should make his/her own personal one to better suit his/her needs.



As I said in my "Green Rhythm" guide elves are pure evil, and this one makes no exception, but having that extra mana on turn 2 can really save the us some times.



I was a little skeptical on this one, but after trying her the only thing I can say is that she's amazing, due to the addition of Justice Strikeimage in the main list this card can make a lot of tokens straight after you played her, really nice against aggro decks and can put a lot of pressure on control decks, really nice.



This lady can do everything, need a big creature? Give her some counters and you'll get a nice 4/3 body; having problems with a Wilderness Reclamationimage/ Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage/ The Eldest Rebornimage or any other enchantment/ artifact, she can get rid of them in a split second; running low on life against a Red deck, let her heal your wounds with some magic.



She's aggressive, I like her; 3/3 with haste or 4/4 for 3m, and also gives you and herself hexproof during your turn, too bad she can't also make me some coffee.



Did anyone say hexproof? Because she can give it to you, and also to all of your creatures, and to consolidate that, she can fly and she can also give +1/+1 counters to your entire board; that said, remember her greatest weakness: the Lava Coilimage!



She's tall, she has beautiful red hairs and a nice pair of... wings; 2/5 flyer for 4m, nice, and besides that, she can buff the weaker creatures with mentor; and if that wasn't enough she can give +2/+0 to a creature during battle for free and if that creature is Red it gains trample, if it's White it gains vigilance, what if its bot you ask? I think you know the answer.



1/4 for 5m, not the best thing in the world right? But wait a moment, she brings two 1/1 friends with her... wait they're now 2/2 !? So... she gives +1/+1 to everyone except her, what a nice girl; pay attenction to Lava Coilimage, you don't want her to get burned.



And there she is, the absolute queen of destruction, she can fly, she has trample and vigilance, and also pseudo-hexproof; I still can't understand why this card is so underestimated in the current meta, I mean she is not perfect but is a nice mana curve topper and a perfect complement for this deck; being a 6/6 for 6m she can really give you the advantage, and if you manage to drop her while Rhythm of the Wildimage is on the field she can be devastating; I think I may love her.


Instant and Sorceries


This removal can take care of so many creatures, even if it doesn't have the exile component like Lava Coilimage and it's a little bit weaker against walls like Wildgrowth Walkerimage; really helpfull against big creatures like Lyra Dawnbringerimage or Doom Whispererimage and the more recent Hydroid Krasisimage; synergizes really well with Hero of Precinct Oneimage.



On the left side we have a nice removal spell for 2m, but what's really amazing is what's on the right side, a second combat step during your turn can be a really strong win condition, use it wisely.



What a beautiful abomination of a board wipe, exiling all the attacking creatures an opponent controls can be devastating; this card alone turned upside down the fates of many duels, if you'll be able to use it at the right time you'll win the game; really strong against aggro decks.



Really good finisher, can also be used to provide us some blockers, and its synergy with Hero of Precinct Oneimage and Trostani Discordantimage is amazing.




One of my favourite cards from the newest expansion, if you manage to drop it on the field, it will make your life a lot easier; riot is a relly strong ability, because haste can make you deadly and the +1/+1 counter can make some of your creatures like Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage and Trostani Discordantimage a lot more resistant; besides that your creature spells are giong to be uncounterable; really strong against control decks.




Domri is the best planeswalker for this deck, he can provide mana and give riot at the same time with his +1, search for creatures with his -3, and spawn a 4/4 beast with trample at every end phase with his ult; all of that at the cost of 4m, really nice.



This deck is not perfect by any mean, but as it is right now, it has an almost perfect balance, so we have to carefull with changes because if we remove to many pieces from the base, the entire tower will crumble; for that reason i'm going to talk about some of the safest changes we can do to it;



  • Planeswalkers: for this deck Domri, Chaos Bringerimage was the obvious choice because we can make full use of his abilities, that said replacing him with 2 copies of Vivien Reidimage will have the only drawback of making the mana curve higher, but will provide us with great utility; another good option can be Ajani, Adversary of Tyrantsimage.



I'm going to analyze the matchups with some of the most common, and strongest meta decks;




  • Vs. Boros Aggro: same as Vs. White Weenie.



  • Vs. Mardu Aristocrats: again, similar to Vs. White Weenie, but a little bit trickier due to the presence of Pitiless Pontif, so focus on killing her with Justice Strikeimage when the opponents will run out of mana; also pay attenction to Mortifyimage/ Bedevilimage as they can kill almost everithing in your deck; having Gruul Spellbreakerimage and Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage in your opening hand can really save your day.



  • Vs. Orzhov Afterlife: another tricky one, you will really need to focus and play your cards wisely when facing this deck; your first target will always be Teysa Karlovimage so look for a way to force your opponent to use her as a blocking creature, you may even cast double Justice Strikeimage if you're able; the other thing you'll need to kill is Seraph of the Scalesimage; pay attenction to Kaya's Wrathimage and Ethereal Absolutionimage.







  • Vs. Bant Fog-Nexus (not a threat anymore in Bo1): this matchup is a massive pain, you really need to be as aggressive as possible so Gruul Spellbreakerimage and/or Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage need to be in your opening hand; you absolutely need to take them to 0 before they reach 7 mana and start looping Nexus of Fateimage, otherwise you'll lose the match.




Thanks to everyone that read the list and/or this description, I really hope you liked it and that you're having fun if playing it 



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Last Updated: 16 Feb 2019
Created: 08 Feb 2019
585 120 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

Maybeboard - 6 cards (6 distinct)


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