Arena Standard - Best combo deck standard

6 13 6
19 17 0 24
Aggro Combo


we back to full meme baby, tiered up in one session 6 straight wins in diamond, so you will always have a chance lifegain is great with wurm.


This deck has lost alot of the meme vibes moving through diamond, this deck finds the balance and is a perfect combo mid range deck.

This is a bo1 deck at its heart but is dominating in bo3 too because we play blue :)

12/10/2022 I added a super simple sb, mostly the skitterbeam battallion, simian simulacrum, and phyrexian dragon engine, will be for your depopulate friends that want to out value you. The disdainful stroke will be good there too, the automatons and rootwire amalgams will be for your mono red friends, negate is very good against anvil but spell pierce is less good because of their low cmc spells, so a sub for one of those in that match up is good, gl!

A quick summary if you want to get to the meat of the deck, equip the reality chip to something, usually it is a haywire mite, sentinel, or Meria because we will be exiling artifacts to assemble the megazord. So, either something non-threatening or meria which is a threat, but does not threaten the combo. Once equipped you never will play a land from hand, you want to play the land from the library to get that extra value, make sure you do not make the mistake, it can break the combo and you will feel sadge. It really depends on how long you want to keep the combo going, but either you will obtain the core and then err on the side of making sure you have the mana which includes your lands and your artifacts when Meria and the Core is on the battlefield to be 5 to assemble the core, I still get carried away looking for the core, and will sometimes have to do a despiration draw with a bank buster to filter a land from the top in search of a zero cost mite or sentinel to safely be alive on board, but that is just the way it goes, this deck is the most legal fun you can have on the arena, imo, cheers!


Overnight, I had thought about the spectrum sentinel, it is def an upgrade over the ironshell aprrentice so we run a 4 of in this deck moving forward. I also took out the lizard blades beccause it is a little more memish, if that is even possible to say because this is the ultimate meme deck already, and opted for a four of Meria because she is just so danm good if we get stuck on 3 lands or get land flooded which will happen from time to time, if you want to put in some suggestion go for it, I am curious to hear from all of ya, cheers!


I was playing against an opponent and brewed a real great deck off his concept around the iconoclast, that was the most recent deck up to this that I titled Grixis, I wanted to revisit the oldest Meria shell with a little more knowledge, and this is a great deck if you like to play a combo style, the combos are outlined below, but the haywire mites and little one ofs like surge engine really make the deck sing, this is actually very strong jank, please be advised this deck may take a whole season to get every ounce of value from, but really the skies the limit, again the dojo is strong we will defeat the meta lovers and expand their possibilites over time :) cheers! Some quick things if you read on that we do not have the mindlink mech in this particular brew, but I do feel well it is a great choice for sb, against decks that do not run any forms of reach, probably a two of in the sb. You will also see I had messed around with storm the festival with Meria as ramp, but the best mode for her is the mechtitan, they were really made for eachother, and if you play this deck for a while you will be absolutley astonished how strong the combo can be. By the way Saheeli is fantastic here, what a great PL and good against our farewell friends :)

11/4/2022 A proper update to the list look for the crew on mechanaut by mindlink on t3 to play free bankbusters and mechtitan  cores,  cheers!

So I am obviously hooked on this archetype, there is an interesting way to play Meria which involves getting too storm the festival t4 which is pretty good, temur is kind of meh though apart from the new ape and wrenn, so meditate on that one because that can be really good too. I reverted to the old shell, I will put a celestus in for a surge mech, that can keep the gas going


Took out 3 iron apprentice for two make disappear and one Tezzeret. Thalia is are hardest match up on curve and makes our deck very suspect (especially if we are vehicle heavy in our hand), so do not beat your self up too much on that one, the fading hope can hit a thalia and sheoldred, so it is a tech card that is fitting as a one of in this pile (and may just be enough to stabalize and pull one out), cheers, yall, smash that baby. 

Special shout out to the Dojo, Mayday, Latte, Findogul, NeveroncurveMTG, Spin, Grey, Shalo (in spirit, he plays mardu atm) :) And obv Sensai for building the community, you all make magic fun and this is something special that we will continue to build around so cheers! Without further ado..

This brew took me 3 weeks to make, and yes, it is very tough on the wc's, however this is just fun and strong magic. Opponents are pretty stumped on the deck and you might be too the first couple times around.

Helpful tips:

The mechtitan assembled is a 10/10 haste, vigalence, trample, flying, lifelink. A big key word is vigalence, dodging emperor is really big here.

You will want to tuck your used up busters and surgehacker mechs under your mechtitan core, if opp wants to kill it they will not have much of a board state and you can draw a million cards as your busters reset.

Your best openings will involve a mechanaut that lives on 2 and a meria that resolves on three, you will be able to play your two cost colorless artifacts from hand at that point for one as etb artifacts can be tapped immeadiately by Meria which sometimes leads to extremely strong boardstates that may include a variety of automatons and assorted vehicles. 

The reality chip is a wincon, this is easily equipped by taping your plebs (like bulwark) keep in mind that you do not want to play land in hand the turn you equip the chip, this is because you will likely be playing your land for turn from your library, when you hit a roadblock, ie additional reality chip, meria, land, you can use your discrestion to tap more artifacts to continue the train or even draw with buster.

Assemble the Titan and be victorious!! Gl this has been a blast


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Last Updated: 16 Dec 2022
Created: 08 Dec 2022
944 131 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (22 distinct)

Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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