Modern - Kessnet's Spell Class

32 26 11
6 25 5 24

The deck's main focus lies on instants and soceries. Furthermore it's pretty harmonized on the meta of the small comunity which is running a lot of creature decks (elves, vampires), so this is the motivation for the mass removal. All instants and sorceries might be doubled via God-Eternal Kefnet and reused via Kess, Dissident Mage:

image image

Early game (turn 1-4):
The strategy is to survive to the midgame with spot removal (Fatal Pushimage, Angrath's Rampageimage , later Electrolyzeimage) and handhate (Inquisition of Kozilekimage). Card quality is gained by Ancestral Visionimage, Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage, Discovery // Dispersalimage, Narset, Parter of Veilsimage and again Electrolyzeimage. Furthermore an early blocker is given by Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horrorimage.

Midgame (turn 4-6):
If needed turn 3 to 4 you should start with mass removal (Cry of the Carnariumimage or transforming Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horrorimage). Basing on boardstate the possibility is given to go turn 4 for God-Eternal Kefnetimage or Kess, Dissident Mageimage. The will give opportunities to reduce cost and gain card advantage. Of course your legendary flies can bring some damage in the upcoming rounds. The benefit is they won't die to the mass removal (even sideboard) and surive some spot removals your opponent might play (Fatal Pushimage, Lightning Boltimage,...).

Late game (turn 6 onwards):
Late game card quality & advantage can come various ways. Beside the early game cards (see above), there are the superfriends Narset, Parter of Veilsimage, Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage, Ral, Storm Conduitimage. Furthermore you'll have your legendary creatures. The win condition is to go for Nicol Bolas ultimate, ramping the loyalty points up faster with Ral's +2, beating the opponent down with Ral's damage or having Enter the God-Eternalsimage doubled and hit with the big zombie army and the Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horrorimage.

Basing on your opponents deck you can go for more handhate (Thought Erasureimage). Weenie decks will fear more removal (Moment of Cravingimage, Bedevilimage and Ritual of Sootimage). Anti-Control you should go for The Scarab Godimage which brings back your creatures as well as opponents and has some strong self-protection. Ashiok, Dream Renderimage prohibits opponents to search their libraries ('Bye, bye Tron') and is able to exile opponents graveyards.

Last changes:
In: 3 Main
+* Swamp [2]
+* Island

Out: 3 Main
-* Drowned Catacomb
-* Polluted Delta
-* Watery Grave



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Last Updated: 18 Sep 2020
Created: 08 May 2019
1171 185 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (28 distinct)

Creature (6)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (5)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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