Historic Brawl - Tezzeret Artifact Brawl

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Whatsup Panda Parade it's the master of Panda-monium coming at ya with another brawl deck tech. 



In today's article we're going to discuss Tezzeret, Master of the Bridgeimage as a brawl commander with this fun artifact deck I've built around him as a brawl commander. 

Our main goal with this deck is to of course get out lots and lots of artifacts and use Tezzeret's +2 ability to zap our opponent's life away and give it to ourselves until we eventually win.

We have mana ramp artifact cards like Arcane Signetimage and Mana Geodeimage which also helps us get up our artifact count for Tezeret. Another great feature of Tezzeret is the affinity for artifacts passive ability so any artifacts we have out will help cast other artifact creatures and planeswalkers. 

One of the coolest combos of this deck is using Emry, Lurker of the Lochimage to cast artifact creatures from your graveyard for free. 

Another great combo of this deck is having Mystic Forgeimage out and playing artifact creatures from the top of the deck for free until you can no longer do it. Wand of Vertebraeimage gives us an extra chance to get a new card on top you can cast until you can no longer cast artifact creatures and just blast your opponent with Tez. 

One of the key elements to any brawl deck is removal and we have that with a few cards such as Meteor Golemimage we can play for free of we have Afinity for Artifacts, Ugin, the Ineffableimage and Murderous Riderimage

It's also cool to point out that, because of Tezzerets colors, we can run the cat oven combo in this deck. Since it's a singleton format, it's not often you get this combo, but it can really help you out in a pinch. As far as consistency goes tho, This deck isn't very consistent, which is why I've categorized it under fun and janky brawl decks. Despite that you can still get a few wins off with it and have a lot of fun while you're doing it too.

Speaking of Witch's Ovenimage, there is another cool thing you can do with it. Rather than loose one of your creatures to Agent of Treachery, you can sacrifice it to the witch's oven, which will nullify the trigger and give you a food token which is an artifact you can use for Tezerets ability and if you have Sorcerer's Broomimage out when you sacrifice it, you can also get a broom token as well.

So that's pretty much the deck. I hope you've enjoyed this brawl deck tech. Let me know in the comments what you think about it when you try it out. Until next time, I'm Kurraku0 and I'll see you for the next deck.


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Last Updated: 01 Apr 2020
Created: 31 Mar 2020
2682 705 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (41 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (2)

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