Commander - Rule the swamps

21 55 16
21 40 0 38

Sol'kanar was a corrupted Force of Nature that was given the Blackblade and forced to fight Dakkon.  After losing the Blackblade, Sol'kanar found a plot of land to call home, turned it into a swamp and forced the two countries to send tribute to him (supplies, slaves ect) by claiming he was a God.  Since he could strike fear in the countries but not actually back it up, Sol'kanar asked for mages that could summon Sivitri Scarzam.  By binding such a powerful creature to serve him, Sol'kanar could rule everywhere.  The tribute mages finially summoned Sivitri Scarzam but couldn't control her.  She was sent away and the magic released casued the swamp to expand.  Using this new power, Sol'kanar found the strengh he needed to attack and take over the countries.

Deck Focus:

Blackblade is the only equipment that the story talks about, thus it is included.

Swamps: I tried to find cards that had swampwalk and focused on owning swamps since that was the focus of Sol'kanar's power

Braids: She summons Sivitri Scarzam.  Since the named mages in the story aren't actual cards, I focused on a wizard that could.  Show and Tell does the same thing but Sol'Kanar didn't summon Sivitri, the wizard did.

Amass: Sol'kanar takes over the countries by force and amass fills that flavor to me.  Some of the names even match, such as Crush Dissent, Arrival of the God(Eternals), and Invade the City for example.


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Last Updated: 12 Dec 2019
Created: 11 Dec 2019
11 77 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (83 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (40)
Land (38)

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