Arena Standard - Temur Neo Elementals v4.5

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Veil of Summer (M20)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (27)
Planeswalker (5)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Update 9/9 - Took out 2 Immortal Suns - Even though it was a good card and synergizes with a 32 creature deck, it was just a little to slow,  might help you in a few situations but the value just doesn't seem to be there in this deck.  Added Healer of the Glades and Creeping Trailblazers and took out Leafkin Druids to quicken the deck. Also changed amount of lands in deck from 25 to 23.  Did also take out Cavalier of Thorns for Cavalier of Gales, the Thorns extra land isn't as useful in this deck, the Gales will give you a good plan for your next turn and it has a chance of recycling back to you if the game drags out.  

This deck was more midrange before, but it is now an aggro deck with the capability of ramping to krazy measures.  Sky is also the limit for Neoform, there are so many combinations formed in this deck.  Thunderkin Awakener is your wildcard, works well with Neoform

Update 9/18 - Replaced Cloudkin Seers and Healer of the Glades for Small Chandra and her Chandra's Triumph, makes the deck more versatile against the meta, and not having to just rely on the combo.  Squeezing in Cerulean Drakes for the Sideboard since Healer of the Galdes got taken out.

Update 10/9 - This deck upgraded from the block transition, you don't have to deal with the Esper Teferi Control and the Simic Nexus; which makes this deck very close to top tier...  we'll see how the meta is changing as time goes by. Llanowar Elves are replaced with of course the Gilded Goose.  Took out one Creeping Trailblazer and one Scorcher to put two more Leafkin's making four total. 10/11

10/11 - Took the Big Chandra from the Sideboard and stuck them in the main, seemed like after first game those big chandras was always needed or could benefit.  The creeping trailblazers were subbed out for them; so this deck isn't so aggro anymore, main purpose is to get your combo/ramp going as fast as you can and you will win.  The Meta is Oko (probably the hardest matchup you will face in the meta), Fires, and Fields which this deck has won against countless times. The Chandra's Triumph were subbed out to fill in the four's for better draws; don't need burn, after countless game the elementals can handle the load. 

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Last Updated: 12 Oct 2019
Created: 12 Oct 2019
50 88 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
8 11 30 10 0
3 6 3 3 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands