Standard - Temur Land Value

TCGPlayer $148
Cardmarket €104
Cardhoarder 4 Tix
  • Deck contains 24 invalid cards for this format: Rootbound Crag (XLN), Fiery Cannonade (XLN), Wayward Swordtooth (RIX), The Immortal Sun (RIX), Memorial to Genius (DOM), Hinterland Harbor (DOM), Memorial to War (DOM), Tatyova, Benthic Druid (DOM), Haphazard Bombardment (DOM), Fight with Fire (DOM), Banefire (M19), Crucible of Worlds (M19), Steam Vents (GRN), Lava Coil (GRN), Wilderness Reclamation (RNA), Growth Spiral (RNA), Stomping Ground (RNA), Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin (XLN), Star of Extinction (XLN), Nezahal, Primal Tide (RIX), Gaea's Blessing (DOM), Banefire (M19), Sprouting Renewal (GRN), Hydroid Krasis (RNA)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Creature (7)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)
Maybeboard 2 cards (1 distinct)

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This is my second attempt at a Temur land based deck. Note that this deck was meant to be played in BO3.


The deck


- Infinte Value

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These three cards are the core of the deck. If Tatyova remains on the board, she will run away with the game: drawing between 2 to 6 cards a turn is insane and will outvalue most other decks. Evolving Wildsimage triggers Tatyova twice! The lifegain ability is extremely relevant here. This deck can be slow to set up its pieces, gaining life allows it to get back into the game, especially against fast aggro decks or burn decks. Thanks to Crucible of Worldsimage, we can play Evolving Wildsimage each turn because it sacrifices itself! By themselves, these cards allow us to ramp by never missing a land drop, and fix our colors.


- The lock

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These three pieces can quickly lock the opponent out of the game. We can easily destroy one or more lands per turn once we have them on board, depriving the opponent's ressources. Memorial to Warimage enters the battlefield tapped. Thanks to Wilderness Reclamationimage, we can directly use it during the opponent's upkeep, and we can still spend our mana during our turn!


- Setting up


 Wayward Swordtoothimage is insane lategame. It allows us to play Evolving Wildsimage twice a turn with Crucible of Worldsimage, and play several Memorials (Memorial to Warimage, Memorial to Geniusimage) each turn.

In the early game, we can use its ability to dump our hand on the board if we are mana flooded. This can be relevant with the number of taplands the deck contains.



Memorial to Geniusimage is a re-usable card draw effect with Crucible of Worldsimage. Its activation cost is quite expensive, but the card works well with our other combo pieces. It can help us dig for our other combo cards  or pieces of interaction.



I have been very impressed by this card. It is an other way to get our taplands in play early in the game, it digs for lands and it allows us to play lands at instand speed for Tatyova !


As weird as it sounds, Haphazard Bombardmentimage is our (almost) catch-all removal spell. If the opponent's board is not threatening, it quickens our land-destruction lock. If we need to stabilize, it can deal with the biggest creatures and artifacts. It is interesting to note that is works well against hexproof, it destroys Carnage Tyrantimage and creatures through Dive Downimage protection, if you are lucky that is.


- Surviving in the early game

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Our early game is mainly anti-creature interactions. The lock can be slow to set up, so we need to deal with the opponent's threats as quickly as possible.


- The kill

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The deck does not have many creatures, but Wayward Swordtoothimage can quickly kill an opponent once we have ascend. While our opponent has fewer and fewer resources to deal with our board, we ramp to absurd amount of mana. Banefireimage and Fight with Fireimage can easily kill in one or two turns.


 The matchups

 - Mono Red & Rakdos Aggro

All our removals are great to tempo these aggressive decks, especially Fiery Cannonadeimage. Tatyova is probably the best tool against them. Gaining 3 and drawing 3 a turn is enough to win.

- Esper & Grixis Control

This matchup is extremely difficult to play, mainly because of Thougth Erasure and maindeck artifact and enchantment removals. We will almsot always lose round 1. After sideboarding, the games will be extremely long and tight. Outvaluing them with Crucicble of worlds and Tatyova is our best play, along with two activations of Azcanta thanks to Wilderness Reclamationimage.


Wrap Up


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Now that the meta post Ravnica 3.2 is starting to settle, one thing is clear: Bedevilimage and Mortifyimage are too strong against this deck. We don't play many creatures, and they are key to our victory. If the opponent play these versatiles removables, they can destroy any of our combo pieces and we will surely lose game 1 if we can not recover.

Sideboarding is mandatory with this deck, and the playset of Negateimage improves most of the midrange and control matchups.

Locking the opponent out of lands is often not enough to win the game. It is extremely powerful against some midrange decks by forcing them to play off curve, and will guaranty some free wins agains some multicolor decks.

Other maindeck artifact and enchantment removals particularly hurt us, such as Reclamation Sageimage and Knight of Autumnimage.



Adanto Vanguardimage is probably the biggest threat this deck faces. If we can't quickly win the game or gain 3 life a turn, good game well played OP, it will deal lethal damages by itself.


Planeswalkers, all of them, but especially these:

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I hate planeswalkers. I think they should not exist in this game, but hey look:

(+) Card Advantage

(-) Get rid of your combo pieces

(Ult) Win the game, duh

Surely, we can outvalue them until we find a way to deal with them. We can even survive long enough with a Vraska or Vivien emblem. Still, if they hit the board, we're probably dead, so our best play is to prevent our opponent from getting to 5 mana or more, or just ignore them and hope we draw so many cards that we don't care about them.


This deck is clearly not top tier and struggles against many threats. It is still extremely fun and satisfying to play. We have many strong choices to make when playing. Locking teferi decks out of the game by destroying their lands is surely the best feeling ever.

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Nice work here!) Thank u for that beautiful deck
Last Updated: 31 Jan 2019
Created: 26 Jan 2019
336 93 1

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
18 25 13 4 0
4 5 4 2 0
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Symbols Percentage Lands