Standard - Temur "I dont like spells" midrange

TCGPlayer $50
Cardmarket €37
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 20 invalid cards for this format: Dive Down (XLN), Carnage Tyrant (XLN), Spell Pierce (XLN), Steel Leaf Champion (DOM), Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma (M19), Thorn Lieutenant (M19), Nullhide Ferox (GRN), Ghalta, Primal Hunger (GNT), Llanowar Elves (GNT), Cindervines (RNA), Gruul Spellbreaker (RNA), Rhythm of the Wild (RNA), Gruul Guildgate (RNA), Simic Guildgate (RNA), Cindervines (RNA), Zhur-Taa Goblin (RNA), Collision // Colossus (RNA), Repudiate // Replicate (RNA), Thrash // Threat (RNA), Sunder Shaman (RNA)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 2 cards (2 distinct)

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Sick of all the spells stopping you from having fun? Do you want to punish thoughs who seek to punish you for tring to play the game? Just want to stick the middle finger up at people who dare think they can hurt your creatures? Are you just tired of control decks? Then this deck is got you!

I was just done with the stupid amount of control in standard at the moment. So fueled by hatred and manic giggles I made this deck. Now, the sensible thing to do would be go rushdown, lots of creatures or just harder control, but here, we dont play by the rules. The deck is just loaded with either Hexproof or stuff you make casting spells difficult. The endgame of the deck is to run them down with Carnage Tyrantimage and Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage with backup from Dive Downimage and Spell Pierceimage.

Now we know the general idea of what we are doing now we have to know a bit about the cards.




1 Green that tapes for a Green mana. What more can I say besides it is going to be burnt down as quickly as possable. Use this to speed up your game or later on when you dont need the mana, throw it under a big thing coming for you. Keeping it alive in the early game is very effective and dont be scared to use a Dive Downimage or Spell Pierceimage to keep it alive at this point in the game.



By itself, a 2 cost 2/3 is a pain to deal with, but the effect to makes an elf when targeted is great. Plus late game you can funel mana into it to make it a monster for a turn. Even if it gets targeted by a spell you stopped via Dive Downimage or Spell Pierceimage you still get the elf even if the spell dosn't go off. So keep that in mind. Though it is a little pricey at a few $ for paper and being a rare if you play Arena you can replace it with Zhur-Taa Goblinimage or Untamed Kavuimage for a more cheaper option while gaining a bit more fighting power at the cost of being not as helpful against spells.



This card is just good. Not much to say, it just fits. It means you dont have to worry about it getting removed by spells in your turn. Makes your turn a bit more relaxing. (and we can all use that)



Just a three cost power house. Good with dealing with decks that pump out a lot of creatures.



Not only dose this make Nullhide Feroximage, Carnage Tyrantimage and Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage better when if attack with them it also makes them cheaper, bringing your endgame closer, mix in a Llanowar Elvesimage or two and you can get these big guys out super quick. And I mean super quick for Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage as Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sismaimage removes 6 from its cost and not 4 like it normaly would.



 Oh boy here we go. The biggest wrench in the plans of people who want to cast non-creature spells, so much so that it even stops you. It forces someone who wants to target it or if you want to play a non creature spell, to pay a fee. And they are going to want to because a four cost 6/6 with Hexproof is somthing that many decks can't deal with at that point in the game. The fun thing about Nullhide Feroximage is that non-creature spells in this deck are 1. are all lower cost then it 2. The second they try and remove its Hexproof to try and target it, it gives you the oppertunity to cast your spells without having to pay the tax, like using Dive Downimage or Spell Pierceimage to keep it on the field, and now without any of the drawbacks with either +0/+3 and Hexproof (again) or having a counter ready to stop them. It is also a key piece to getting out Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage as quickly as possable, just like Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sismaimage it lowers its cost by 6 for the same four cost price. If you know that your oppent is using heavy use of discard then keeping it in hand may be a better option then just hardcasting it.



You thought they were big players, well here come the biggest. Carnage Tyrantimage is just the embodyment of this deck. Can't be countered, Hexproof and Trample, this along with Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage this is your end game, and if you played right, your opponets mid game. Not much then a sizable force can stop this terror when it drops.



The other half of your late game. Though not as self defensive at Carnage Tyrantimage, it does boast a much stronger body. Saving at least one Dive Downimage and/or Spell Pierceimage before casting this may be wise because as stated before, it dosnt have the "can't be counted" or Hexproof Like Carnage Tyrantimage so it has to be looked after a bit more. It can come out as quickly as turn 5 or if you are really lucky, turn 4, unlike the Carnage Tyrantimage that has to be hard-casted and only has Llanowar Elvesimage to help it along, while late game it is pretty much free with a decent board state


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These two are your main protection for your creatures. Just keep in mind that you will have to pay 2 more to play them if you have Nullhide Feroximage on the field.



I love these. Just slapping your oppenent in the face, and the fact that enchantments and artifacts can be destroyed for 1 is pretty good. But I do have to admit. They probably don't need to be in the main board and can be switched out for something a bit more well rounded. But always keep a playset in the sideboard at least. Maybe Collision // Colossus or Thrash // Threat from the sideboard would be better in the mainboard but for keeping everything uniform Cindervinesimage are there (for shits and giggles).



This enchantment does so much work. Making things like Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage so much safer to cast and giving everything Riot is just pushes this enchantment high up the "I need to get this down ASAP" scale. Also Riot stacks with itself, making Gruul Spellbreakerimage just that much stronger and having multiple out at the same to just gets out of control. Even if you oppent isnt running counters the Riot is too good to pass up to put this in the sideboard. Also if you dont have a copy of one of the other cards I recomend replacing it with a 4th copy of this.



This is just a placeholder land set. If you have the rare duo land then you can replace the gates with them.



Most of the side board is there to make the deck less focused on pissing off control and more about being a bit more general Temur midrange. If they arn't playing many targeted spells then switch out Thorn Lieutenantimage for Zhur-Taa Goblinimage. If you want the non-creature spells in the sideboard then removing Nullhide Feroximage will be a good place to start. If you are 2 mana away from casting Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage then casting the Colossus part of Collision // Colossus will let you cast it. It cost 2 mana to cast but lowers the cost of Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage by 4 for a net gain of 2.


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Last Updated: 14 Feb 2019
Created: 14 Dec 2018
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