Arena Standard - Teferi Control

  • Deck contains 15 invalid cards for this format: Teferi, Master of Time (M21), Teferi's Ageless Insight (M21), Elspeth Conquers Death (THB), Dream Trawler (THB), Glass Casket (ELD), The Birth of Meletis (THB), Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Mazemind Tome (M21), Neutralize (IKO), Castle Ardenvale (ELD), Castle Vantress (ELD), Hengegate Pathway (KHM), Temple of Enlightenment (THB), Doomskar (KHM), Banishing Light (AJMP)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Planeswalker (3)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (31)
Creature (4)
Land (22)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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This is my take on CGB's Trawler Control.  I kept finding myself running out of cards with the original version so I made a few changes to better fit my play style.


Omen vs. Tome

In CGB's original version, Dream Trawlerimage is the only card that offers card advantage.  Most of the interaction in the deck is 1-for-1 trades so it's very easy to get behind on cards and end up in top-deck mode.  Since the original deck has a minimal amount of instant speed interaction, I found there is less of a need to hold mana open through your opponent's turn.  The deck also doesn't run Yorion, Sky Nomadimage so there isn't a need for running Omen of the Seaimage as a flash target.  As a result, I decided to switch out Omen of the Seaimage for Mazemind Tomeimage because I find the extra card draw more useful to the deck.


Jwari Disruptionimage

The idea of running Jwari Disruptionimage is to increase the means of interactions for mitigating tap-out bombs such as Ugin, the Spirit Dragonimage and the Ultimatums.  CGB's orginal deck only ran two Neutralizeimages for spell interaction so a lot of times you end up just having to be either really frugal with them or try to recover from the aftermath.  I wasn't keen on this so I decided to increase the counterspell count.  Instead of swapping out any cards for something like Negateimage, I opted with replacing lands with Jwari Disruptionimage.  I did this because the shuffler in BO1 is tuned to be more consistent with land draws so hitting untapped lands is less of an issue than BO3.


Teferi's Ageless Insightimage

This is something I've been experimenting with recently.  I first tried this out as a 1-of and I had a lot of success with it.  It acts as a shot of nitro for the deck as it makes everything much stronger.  If you can stick one of these with a Dream Trawlerimage in play then you can race almost anything ensuring an easy victory.  It helps the deck close out games by increasing any advantage you might have.



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Last Updated: 06 Feb 2021
Created: 26 Jan 2021
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