Arena Standard - Sultai Ramp

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Growth Spiral (RNA)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Creature (13)
Planeswalker (5)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (29)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

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Deck Tech: General idea is to ramp and use high powered cards to gain an advantage over the opponent, whether that's in the form of card advantage or efficent answers to threats. Casualties of Warimage answers quite a few decks right now including Temur Lucky Cloverimage, Fires of Inventionimage, Sackdos, and Jund Food. Hydroid Krasisimage and Atris, Oracle proivde most of the card advantage, but don't discount Uro, Titan as it draws you a card each time you cast/escape it, on top of its attack trigger. 


Sideboard Tech: Most of the sideboard tries to address the aggro matchups, while still having a few key cards for other decks. We'll go over specific matchups down below! Considerations for Disdainful Strokeimage for Embercleaveimage, Nightpack Ambusherimage, Casualties of Warimage, etc; not sure what I'd sacrifice for it though. 


Temur Flash:

-1 Tamiyo, collector

-1 Massacre Girlimage

-1 Atris, Oracle

-2 Tyrant's Scornimage

-3 Casualties of Warimage


Don't be afraid to Mystical Disputeimage Growth Spiralimage early game to stop them from acceling hard. The best feeling is casting your own Growth Spiralimage into your Mystical Disputeimage on their Growth Spiralimage. Consider removing other cards in SB for Disdainful Strokeimage to help with this matchup. 


+2 Mystical Disputeimage

+2 Aether Gustimage

+2 Noxious Graspimage

+2 Return to Natureimage



Sultai Ramp:

-3 Tyrant's Scornimage

-1 Massacre Girlimage

-1 Atris, Oracle


On the draw, +2 Mystical Disputeimage, -1 Atris, Oracle and -1 Uro, Titan. 

Honestly not sure if I'm sideboarding 100% correctly here(as a whole, not just on the draw detail)


+1 Erebos's Interventionimage

+2 Aether Gustimage

+2 Noxious Graspimage


Mono Red: 

-3 Casualties of Warimage

-1 Tamiyo, Collector of Talesimage

-1 Nissa, Who

-1 Hydroid Krasisimage

-3 Atris, Oracle


+2 Return to Natureimage

+2 Massacre Girlimage

+2 Aether Gustimage

+2 Disfigureimage

+1 Erebos's Interventionimage



-1 Nissa, Who

-1 Polukranos, Unchainedimage

-1 Hydroid Krasisimage

-1 Uro, Titan

-2 Atris, Oracle


I need to ask Sidetrakisbad about this SB plan. I know trimming Uro, Titan is probably wrong. 

-1 Fabled Passageimage on the draw. Otherwise -1 Atris, Oracle (for a total of -3). 


+3 Return to Natureimage

+2 Aether Gustimage

+2 Disfigureimage


Jeskai Fires: 

-1 Tamiyo, Collector

-1 Polukranos, Unchainedimage

-1 Massacre Girlimage

-2 Tyrant's Scornimage


On the draw, -2 Atris, Oracle, +2 Mystical Disputeimage


+3 Return to Natureimage

+2 Aether Gustimage


Jund Food: 

-1 Nissa, Who

-1 Hydroid Krasisimage

-2 Atris, Oracle


+1 Massacre Girlimage

+3 Return to Natureimage


Temur Adventures: 

-1 Nissa, Who

-1 Hydroid Krasisimage

-1 Tamiyo, Collector

-1 Uro, Titan

-1 Casualties of Warimage

-1 Polukranos, Unchainedimage

-2 Eat to Extinctionimage 

-3 Atris, Oracle



+2 Massacre Girlimage

+2 Disfigureimage

+2 Noxious Graspimage

+2 Aether Gustimage

+3 Return to Natureimage







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Last Updated: 20 Mar 2020
Created: 01 Mar 2020
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