Arena Standard - Sultai adventure

  • Deck contains 31 invalid cards for this format: Foulmire Knight (ELD), Necromentia (M21), Erebos's Intervention (THB), Extinction Event (IKO), Castle Locthwain (ELD), Lucky Clover (ELD), Castle Vantress (ELD), Murderous Rider (ELD), Temple of Malady (M21), Zagoth Triome (IKO), Lovestruck Beast (ELD), Fae of Wishes (ELD), Edgewall Innkeeper (ELD), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Beanstalk Giant (ELD), Temple of Mystery (M21), Temple of Deceit (THB), Overflowing Insight (XLN), Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (M21), Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD), Neutralize (IKO), Eat to Extinction (THB), Extinction Event (IKO), Tormod's Crypt (M21), Unsummon (M20), Necromentia (M21), Fabled Passage (M21), Shadowspear (THB), Once and Future (ELD), The Great Henge (ELD), Cultivate (M21)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (15 distinct)

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I built this Sultai adventures deck to go head to head with some of the best decks in the standard 2021.  It’s a control deck that relies heavily on necromentia To remove key components  of your opponent’s decks and the card advantage provided by adventure creatures. With a half  decent draw it easily takes down the likes of  Simic Adventures, Temure adventures, Esper doom foretold, Boros cycling,  and mono green.


That said it’s very week against mono red.

Mono red is probably the only deck so far that this deck performs below 60% on. on the draw, the win rate is 15 %. if your opponent plays anything turn one and you don’t have a one drop you are already in allot of trouble especially if he drops fervent champion. At that point just resign,.

On the play, the win rate is approximately 60%, here your strategy is  to swarm the board with chump blockers, and makes sure to either be bouncing their board on turn three or getting a lovestruck beast down as a blocker.   If at anypoint you have enough breathing room to actually play necromentia remove embercleave and Anax, Hardened in the forge.




Against simic and temure adventures you want to be playing necromentia on turn 3 or 4. If they already got a lucky clover down remove fae of wishes from their deck first, then wait until you have a a bother necromentia, bounce their clovers and then remove them from the game. If they haven’t yet played a clover remove that first. Erebos intervention should be used for  exiling Uros from graveyards. Against temure you want to play midrange while  against simic, you want to play full control. Between the card draw and milling them selves to activate Uro, simic goes through the deck fast and will often deck them selves. Furthermore after you removed fae of wishes all of the creatures in both these decks  will be odd for extinction so play as few creatures as possible  as you will often sweep the board than drop a bunch of creatures once’s your opponent just played all of their creaturesZ




For cycling, you want to remove zenith flair and Dranith Stinger, with necromentia. Furthermore if you don't get to necromentia in time, Erbos intervention allows you to exile cards from their graveyard, or could be used to kill a creature and gain life. With the exception of flourishing fox, all of its creatures are even, while yours will be odd making extinction event an excellent one sided sweeper.


Against mono white, you wanna grab hallowed priest, fallowed by daxos, than  speaker of the heavens. This will leave them will only odd creatures.  Making extinction event insanely powerful;  being as mono white doesn’t have card draw, most often they won’t be able to recover.


Against mono green, the situation is much more complex as there are various versions of mono green. You mainly want to use your  first necromentia take away their Garruk’s uprisings, being as it’s played in almost all versions of the deck and it prevents them from gaining universal trample and card draw. Once you have seen their deck you will know what to take next.  If they have garruks  harbinger, that is your next highest priority due to its  hex proof from black and its triggered ability. If they have gemrazors they are next as you want to remove gemrazer to protect your lucky clovers, whilst this is important , it is on a lower level as on its own gemrazer isn’t much of a threat, and you can simply bounce the creature underneath before it mutates on to it to protect your clover. Erebos’s intervention is a  critical card in this match up both to stop a scavenging ooze from growing by exiling creature cards card or as a way to gain life.   This is critical, as while I found myself beating mono green at a  85%, I also found myself dropping below 5 health at some point in every game.   In relation to extinction event, this is a much tougher match up, as it has a fair balance of even and odd creatures so it you must try to kill all odd creatures, leaving your opponent  with even creatures for one sided extinction events. This isn’t always possible and some times you’ll have to sacrifice your board as well.


When it comes to Dimir flash You always want to grab their slither wisps first.  Once you saw their deck,  if the are the mutate version you want to remove their pouncing shore sharks and then their brazen borrowers after this they are left wit sea dasher octopus as their only substantially card.

If they are not the mutate version remove their brazen borrowers.  And after that you must judge what else to remove based on deck.


Against esper doom foretold remove doom foretold and search their deck. What you remove next  depends on which variation it is.  Being a control deck this deck has very few conditions to win.  If they have  Dance of the Manse  remove it, same goes for archon of sun grace,  and dream trawler. This deck will use one of these three as it’s win condition.  Remove them and they will be forced to try to kill you via yorion beat down which just won’t be possible.

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Created: 02 Sep 2020
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