Explorer - Self-Wounding Aggression

Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (20)

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Hello everyone! Today I'm doing my 1st deck write up on a Rakdos (Red/Black) Aggro/Midrange hybrid deck that features Shadow of Mortalityimage  as one of the deck's main gameplan and win condition. So, what makes this deck absolutely powerful in the Explorer (Pioneer-lite) metagame? Well, let's do a deep dive on this deck, shall we?

So, the idea behind this deck was first introduced by LegenVD (Luca Van Deun), a Belgian content creator and streamer, in which he did a Standard format version of a Mono Black aggro (aggressive) deck built around the aforementioned card known as Shadow of Mortalityimage (link here: https://youtu.be/gyUyEJ0Qu_g).

And so, during this video made by LegenVD, I was thinking, "Hmm, how do I make the deck good in a format that's more wide range in terms of options of cards to use?" And so, I decided to copy the deck that he used in that video and tweaked it to fit the Explorer metagame and the cards that are legal in said format. And boy oh boy, do I have a deck that POUNCES the Explorer metagame so hard!

So, the deck here is a hybrid of a Grindy Midrange deck along with a fast aggressive start that also has self-damaging elements in the form of enchantments like Demonic Embraceimage and other self-damage cards like Infernal Graspimage and Murderous Riderimage and other interactive spells like Fatal Pushimage and Thoughtseizeimage. Alongside the interaction spells, I included also the usual suspects you see in aggressive decks like Knight of the Ebon Legionimage, Bonecrusher Giantimage, and Embercleaveimage.

Streets of New Capenna brought with it a whole host of cards that made this archetype absolutely powerful, for instance, the aforementioned Shadow of Mortalityimage, a card that rewards us from either dealing damage to ourselves, or if the opponent attacks us, the creature gets reduced in cost from the damage we take. And so, the main goal of the deck is to punch holes through the opponents with our aggressive creatures and interaction, then end the game with either Spawn of Mayhemimage or other means of ending the game like Ob Nixilis, the Adversaryimage

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Last Updated: 06 Jun 2022
Created: 05 Jun 2022
470 113 0

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