Standard - Pauper 5-0 Neonate Control

  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Desert of the Glorified (HOU), Desert of the Mindful (HOU), Striped Riverwinder (HOU), Hieroglyphic Illumination (AKH), Wander in Death (AKH), Final Reward (AKH), Daring Demolition (AER), Moment of Craving (RIX), Syncopate (DOM), Fungal Infection (DOM), Vampire Neonate (M19), Omenspeaker (M19), Submerged Boneyard (C18)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Creature (10)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This is a hard control deck that focuses on removing all of your opponent's threats and then chipping away at their life with the namesake card, Vampire Neonateimage.   I made this deck because I thought Blue and Black had the best cards but couldn't find a good mana sink to win with until I found Vampire Neonateimage, since it terrorized me in draft, it should be good enough for pauper.


The base of the deck is made up of standard control cards: counterspells, draw cards, removal, etc. and it plays the same way.  You want to sequence your spells so you keep your opponent's biggest threats off the board.  You may want to use the more expensive removal in your hand because next turn you can play the 2 other cheaper ones.  You may want to draw instead of countering a creature because you have a different removal spell to take care of it.


The MTG Arena Pauper meta seems to have tons of aggro and not a lot of 2 toughness creatures.  I think this is due to the prevalence of Shockimage and Moment of Cravingimage.  This makes 3 toughness creatures like Omenspeakerimage and Vampire Neonateimage great against our opponent's removal.  This also leads to other people playing 1 toughness creatures which makes Fungal Infectionimage a grade A removal tool against faster decks.  It can also remove Llanowar Elvesimage from ramp decks on turn 1.

Card Choices

Deathbloom Thallidimage has been great against the aggressive decks unless they draw Magma Sprayimage, it provides a great defense to slow them down until you get going.

The Striped Riverwinderimage is there as an alternate win condition. It is impervious to removal.  The only way they can kill it is by throwing some creatures in front of it, but since we have so much removal, we can make sure it stays alive.

I only drew Wander in Deathimage once and I kept it in my hand since my creatures didn't die, but it felt really good to have it in my hand.

I think Syncopateimage is weak in this deck.  Because of the meta, my opponent's were usually topdecking.  If the meta gets slower, this would be great.  Same for the Daring Demolitionimage, it is slow at 4 mana sorcery speed and it usually kills a 3 drop.  It is amazing against Ramp though.


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Last Updated: 02 Sep 2018
Created: 02 Sep 2018
733 95 0

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