Standard - !nResponse's Dimir Flash (sigh)

  • Deck contains 6 invalid cards for this format: Watery Grave (GRN), Sinister Sabotage (GRN), Quench (RNA), Essence Capture (RNA), Brineborn Cutthroat (M20), Spectral Sailor (M20)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (24)
Side 5 cards (2 distinct)

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Not much to say here. Dimir flash in all its expected toxicity. To be perfectly 100% clear, I do not believe that archetypes like this one are healthy for the meta or for the game at large, and I do not recommend running this list or similar lists from other brewers in anything but the most competitive of play as it WILL degrade the experience of your opponents. However, unfortunately, this archetype has received entirely too much support from WOTC in Ikoria and is thus a very strong contestant in the upcoming meta, leaving my little choice in compiling my own version. As is common to my brews, this list eliminated some of the more forced inclusions in other similar lists in favor of running far more playsets for increased consistency. Most notably to many, Voracious Greatsharkimage has been cut entirely from the maindeck due to its often minimal impact, often high price, and heavy restrictions. Sadly, this is not the new Mystic Snakeimage effect flash players hoped for. However, in certain matchups, the card excels, thus the 2 sideboard copies. The other spell many would be surprised to find missing from my list is Dirge Batimage which, while very powerful, simply could not compete well enough and consistently enough to secure a spot in the list. Many analysts, including myself, rightfully will compare this to the very strong monoblue list which was taking the standard meta by storm pre-m20 rotation. This is largely because of the inclusion of 3 cards n particular which echo 3 of the most important tempo spells of that archetype. Those being Sea-Dasher Octopusimage as a toned down Curious Obsessionimage (much as players hoped that Staggering Insightimage would be when it was spoiled pre-thb), Quenchimage as a pricier Spell Pierceimage, and the last set's Starlit Mantleimage as a pricier Dive Downimage with the upside of permanent +1/+1 after the fact. Most lists have not yet caught on to the insane value of the mantle, however, this build does not fail to utilize this incredibly powerful tempo tool. I have yet to fully establish an optimized sideboard as I have played very few games with this deck due to the pain it inflicts upon my fellow players, and I have not fully stabilized my preferred arsenal of counterspells for the same reason, however, this should outline the rough idea that fully optimized builds of this archetype will embody. Once again, PLEASE DO NOT RUN THIS LIST. For those who insist on running this archetype in spite of warnings against it and do not yet grasp the idea, the deck, much like its Simic sister, aims to generate tempo by casting threats and card-advantage effects during the end step of the opponent rather than during their turn so as to leave all resources available to nope any threat the opponent attempts to establish. Ikoria has granted a critical tool for the archetype in Cunning Nightbonderimage, as well as a powerful engine in Slitherwispimage. These both move this specific list away from flash-speed spells and towards specifically spells with the flash keyword itself. 

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Last Updated: 20 Apr 2020
Created: 18 Apr 2020
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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
23 19 15 3 0
0 3 2 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.31
Recommended Lands: 23