Arena Standard - mythic dimir amass

TCGPlayer $93
Cardmarket €81
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 3 invalid cards for this format: Hostage Taker (XLN), Sentinel Totem (XLN), Moment of Craving (RIX)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (13)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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The goal of the deck is to grind down the opponent with zombie army tokens and cavalier of gales, while powering yourself with card draw and removing your opponents threats, each card in the deck has its purpose and synergies to help you achieve this
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-Dreadhorde invasion provides you with a perpetually growing token that eventually gets to lifelink on attack. The zombie army will be the main way you win games most of the time as the opponent will eventually run out of ways to remove it. In the early game do not hesitate to chump block with the small army token if the situation calls for it as you can easily regorw the token.
-Gleaming overseer gives the army protection from spot removal and makes the army token less likelly to be chumped due to menace, all the while providing a good road block due to his 4 toughness.
-Enter the g-e is a solid creature removal spell that quickly grows your army as well as healing you, the mill effect of it is incidental most of the time. A useful trick with this cards is the fact you can target your own army token even if it has 1 toughness since the damage and the buff happen at the same time, meaning a 1/1 army will become a 5/1 army which heals back up to 5/5 on turn end. This can be used for sudden bursts of damage to the opponent in situations where you have a small army that is not summon sick.
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-Cast down is interchangeable with Tyrant's Scornimage depending on the meta, but both cards serve the same function of efficient single target removal.
-Contempt is in the deck mainly to deal with planeswalkers and creatures that have on death tirggers, but do not hesitate to use it to remove something which could otherwise be delt with by cast down if the situation call for it.
-Blast zone is a pseudo wrath effect that can hit any type of permenant, and is usually used as a preventetive measure to late game threats you are anticipating your opponent to play; if you know what deck op is using and what the most dangerous permenant is, simply buff up blast zone to that cmc and you effectively block op from playing his end game.
-See the amass section. One thing to keep in mind when playing against decks that have Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage or Arclight Phoeniximage is that it's better to target yourself with the mill effect of enter the g-e as otherwise you risk helping the op's strategy.
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Both these cards serve the same function of preventing early game snowball effects from which you would not be able to recover.
-Thought erasure can deal with anything if timed correctly; what you erase depends on the matchup but in the early game in general it is best to target 3 cmc planeswalker or ramp cards if against green.
-Spell pierce's main appeal is the fact that it is seldom main decked so oponents play right in to it. Becasue of this during the first 5 turns (against non green decks) it if effectively the same as negate in that it will counter a non creature spell no matter what (unelss you are matched against someone you played recently so keep an eye out on player names).
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-Chemister's insight gives efficient card draw at instant speed, with the option to recast it by discarding a dead card.
-Narset helps dig through the deck to ether find removal, dreadhorde invasion, or other copies of herself. Her passive helps slow down other control decks by denying them card draw from most sources.
-Soul diviner has good stats for the cost but the real reason he is in the deck is the tap ability. After he is no longer summon sick you can tap him at any time to remove a counter and draw a card. Removable counters include zombie army counters, nanrset's loyalty, and blast zone counters. If you remove the the 1 counter blast zone comes with you can then use it to board wipe tokens; tokens are 0 mana unless stated otherwise as defined by the game rules, which means that after the 1 blast counter is diviner'ed away, blast zone destroys 0 cmc permanents and thus all tokens.
-Cavalier of gales has amazing stats and evasion, but his other 2 abilities are what make him so powerful.
When he enters the board you draw 3 and then place 2 cards on top of the deck in any order, in effect setting up the next 2 topdecks. The 2 cards you return will usually be lands or cards that are not usefull in the givent match up, but there are ways to remove these cards from the top of the deck: by using narset to send them to deck oblivion, and by using thought erasure to remove 1 of the 2 cards.
His on death ability makes him immortal unless exiled, and lets you dig through the deck to look for more cavaliers or any card that might be usefull. Keep in mind that after cavalier dies (and before the scry takes place) the deck is shuffled so any cards that were sent to deck oblivion by narset might reappear.
The side board is still in flux because the meta is not settled at all, but simic nexus is making a comeback as well as vampires so those seam to be the decks to look out for at the moment.
-Sentinel Totemimage is in here as hard counter for any deck running Command the Dreadhordeimage as well as izzet phoenyx decks
-The Elderspellimage is a board wipe against planeswalkers, we are in a super friends heavy meta at the moment and so the sideboard includes this card to better combat the swarm of roac...i mean planeswalkers.
-Moment of Cravingimage is for the mono red/white matchups which are becoming somewhat prevalent as they beat up superfriends.
-Negateimage is the go to side card for decks including no or low creature counts, so grixis, control esper, and jeskai super friends.
-Cry of the Carnariumimage is the board wipe of choice for when faced against a mono white agro deck or any sort of swarm tactic.
-Unmoored Egoimage is good against specific decks that relly on a singular card aka Nexus of Fateimage.
-Hostage Takerimage is here for matchups in which Hydroid Krasisimage makes an appearance.
After abducting the aforementioned hydra the opponent is presented 2 options: ether he lets you cast it, in which case you draw lots of cards and win the game; or he kills the pirate and returnes the hydra to the board, as a 0/0 meaning it dies on the spot and you got a 2 for 1 trade and probably win the game.
This has nothing to do with the deck but, if Teferi can manipulate time to stop, accelerate, or rewind it then why is war of the spark even happening? Why doesn't he just go back in time to when baby bolas is born and snap his neck thus preventing this whole mess? The answer is because Teferi is a S grade a-hole, fuck Teferi and every deck he is in :(

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Last Updated: 01 Oct 2019
Created: 30 Apr 2019
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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 15 20 5 0
6 4 5 0 0
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