Standard - Muldrotha Dredge Re-animator thing

TCGPlayer $238
Cardmarket €207
Cardhoarder 5 Tix
  • Deck contains 23 invalid cards for this format: Drowned Catacomb (XLN), Memorial to Folly (DOM), Hinterland Harbor (DOM), Woodland Cemetery (DOM), Muldrotha, the Gravetide (DOM), Stitcher's Supplier (M19), Golgari Findbroker (GRN), Glowspore Shaman (GRN), Overgrown Tomb (GRN), Watery Grave (GRN), Find // Finality (GRN), Narcomoeba (GRN), Creeping Chill (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN), Plaguecrafter (GRN), Breeding Pool (RNA), Jace, Wielder of Mysteries (WAR), Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR), Ashiok, Dream Render (WAR), Ravenous Chupacabra (RIX), Assassin's Trophy (GRN), Kraul Foragers (GRN), Massacre Girl (WAR)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (21)
Planeswalker (7)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)
Maybeboard 7 cards (7 distinct)

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Whilst trying to win with Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage it occured to me that my yard was always full, what can we do with that..... clearly Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage is the way forwards. 


So the gameplan is simple, mill yourself as fast as possible with cheap graveyard enablers in Stitcher's Supplierimage and Glowspore Shamanimage then use the recursion in the form of Memorial to Follyimage, Golgari Findbrokerimage, Tamiyo, Collector of Talesimage and Find // Finalityimage to use your graveyard as a toolbox fetching whatever answers you need at the time.


With Ashiok, Dream Renderimage futher milling yourself the Narcomoebaimage and Creeping Chillimage proc fairly reliably giving you some free defence and life gain to enable games to go long where the grindy nature of the deck really shines 


When you go hell for leather on the whole mill yourself plan land drops can be an issue esspecially with only 25 lands which is why Glowspore Shamanimage is such a good fit for the deck allowing you to reliable hit land drops upto 6 for Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage or to recur your Memorial to Follyimage


If you untap with the Muldrotha its easy mode, by that point your graveyard should have answers, lands, walkers, everything you need to close out the game from there. that said Muldrotha is fairly easy to remove so if you find she dies to removal to often consider adding Dive Downimage or Blinding Fogimage or some other hexproof effect, although as i write this i realise Negateimage is a thing, probably more versatile too...


The Plaguecrafterimage and the Kraul Harpoonerimage serve as surprisingly versatile removal pieces with more creature based answers in the sideboard the Kraul Foragersimage can gain huge bursts of life in burn matchups the Massacre Girlimage and Ravenous Chupacabraimage answer various creature strategies the Thrashing Brontodonimage covers evrything from Bolas's Citadelimage to Sorcerous Spyglassimage or Sentinel Totemimage and Assassin's Trophyimage hits, well... everything. There might be a convincing argument to just put them in the 60 but fetching them from the yard can only be done with Tamiyo, Collector of Talesimage that said you could add some Mission Briefingimage or Salvager of Secretsimage to increase the odds of fetching it from the yard 


As almost all of our triggers are ETB effects not on cast effects there is an argument to run Revival // Revengeimage in place of Find // Finalityimage i opted (hehe) to go with the finds as the finallity can make enough of a difference in game one and without a white source we cant cast the revenge side of things even if we wanted to 


The Maybe-Board contains various cards i tried either as more enablers or as more payoff 


The deck should probably have Jace as a 3of maybe the Tamiyo to but hey im not made of money.

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Last Updated: 30 May 2019
Created: 30 May 2019
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