Arena Standard - Mono White Lifegain Mk2

  • Deck contains 16 invalid cards for this format: Linden, the Steadfast Queen (ELD), Castle Ardenvale (ELD), Alseid of Life's Bounty (THB), Daxos, Blessed by the Sun (THB), Heliod, Sun-Crowned (THB), Luminous Broodmoth (IKO), Lurrus of the Dream-Den (IKO), Selfless Savior (M21), Speaker of the Heavens (M21), Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR), Maul of the Skyclaves (ZNR), Felidar Retreat (ZNR), Reverent Hoplite (THB), Angel of Destiny (ZNR), Radiant Fountain (M21), Legion Angel (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (32)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (24)
Side 4 cards (1 distinct)

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This is a fairly reliable lifegain deck with a few different combos.


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Using Linden grants you 1 LP gain per monster attacking at start of combat phase. When you play Hoplite, you gain tokens equal to your loyalty to white. You can easily get between 5 and 10 tokens. Then send each of these into battle and you'll gain that many LP back


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Daxos grants you 1 LP gain each time a monster enters the field or dies. This includes tokens made by Reverent Hoplite, which can then also be used with Linden's ability for combat.


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The central combo for this deck.

Daxos gives you a heal for 1 LP each time a monster enters the field or dies, including tokens. When you gain life, Helios allows you to put a +1/+1 token to a creature of your choosing. This combo can be insane when it starts rolling.

Important note: Heliod is indestructible meaning sweepers that say "destroy all creatures" won't work on Heliod (exile effects work, though). If you use Alseid or Savior to protect Daxos, all the "when a creature dies" triggers from Daxos will cause Heliod to trigger and you can pump all the tokens on Daxos. If the opponent wipes their side of the field with their sweeper, they have just potentially left themselves open to a one-shot KO.


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Reverent Hoplite triggers multilple tokens, Daxos gives 1 LP gain for each creature entering the field, including Hoplite and its tokens, Helios triggers for each of those life gains and you can put a ton of tokens on your creatures



Similar to Daxos/Helios, the Linden/Heliod combo will allow you also to put +1/+1 tokens on your monsters, but only after you have declared attacks.

In action:


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Lurrus is crucial for the protection of your creatures on this deck. Selfless Savior and Alseid are sacrificial pawns who will rarely be used to attack (or as part of the Broodmoth combo). If your opponent pops a removal or a destruction spell on one of the more powerful creatures of the combos: Lurrus, Heliod, Linden, Daxos, Broodmoth, use Alseid or Savior to protect them. Then use Lurrus' ability to be able to summon them from the graveyard. Alseid should be used for removal spells (protects against colors, including exiles), Savior for burn spells.

Felidar Retreat/Daxos:


Felidar Retreat has two functions:

* Create blockers whenever you put land on the field -- this will combo into Daxos and any other combos he is part of, such as with Heliod, and enables another body to trigger an additional Linden trigger when sent into battle the next turn, which also triggers Heliod

* Slowly grow your existing bodies -- this is useful for when your opponent is unable to attack your wall and you just need to overpower their defenses.



Broodmoth is often overlooked and seems uninteresting, but many opponents I've faced do not realise how much of a problem this creature can cause. When a creature on your side is destroyed, Broodmoth will return it on your side of the field with a flying counter. That 3/3 Linden you just destroyed? It's now a 3/3 Linden with flying that you can't block now because you have no fliers or reach creatures....

This combo also works with the Lurrus/Alseid/Savior combo. Broodmoth will return them to the field as fliers and you can sac them again (but this time they will stay in the graveyard and you'll have to revive them with Lurrus)


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This combo is quite insane. If you have these three on the field and then have Alseid or Savior also, then when you sac either, they revive automatically as a flier.

Another combo that a lot of people don't realise is when the opponent plays a sweeper. You can either Savior the Daxos to prevent it being destroyed (Heliod is indestructible), or Alseid the Daxos, declaring the color of the sweeper spell.

When the sweeper resolves, all your creatures get destroyed, BUT, Broodmoth puts its effect on the stack, reviving ALL your non-fliers as fliers, including the Alseid/Savior. Since Heliod and Daxos are still on the field, the Heliod/Daxos combo triggers on all the creatures being removed, and then triggers AGAIN as all the creatures come back due to Broodmoth's effect.

Angel of Destiny


This creature has an alternate win condition. While its on the field, anytime you do combat damage to an opponent, even if that was not by Angel of Destiny, both players gain life to that same amount. Meaning you cannot kill your opponent. However. This lifegain will trigger Heliod allow you to grow your creatures again. Crucially, EACH ATTACK will trigger Angel of Destiny, which then heals, which then triggers Heliod, which then lets you add a token to your creatures.

If you have 35 life or more, then if you attack with Angel of Destiny and connect with your opponent, at the end phase of that turn, you win, regardless of the life totals:

The alt-win in action:


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Last Updated: 12 Aug 2021
Created: 15 Jul 2021
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